
Eh. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of years working as a restaurant hostess, so I know a thing or so about gritting my teeth and smiling at 200 people a day, no matter how annoying they are or what mood I'm in. I feel like if I could manage it for $12/hr, Nicki can manage it for $45 million.

I mean, chefs get tired of talking about food all day too, I bet. Even celebrity chefs. But being angry that people ask about your food? I mean what else are they supposed to ask? "What is your opinion on the re-paving of the 405 this fall?"

Every time there's a post about weddings on here, a bunch of people have to chime in and brag about their smug organic lentil weddings. And they shit all over traditional weddings in the process. I had a lentil wedding myself but I can totally see how it gets annoying having to read a hundred comments about how

Okay I don't get why so many people have to be like this. You didn't have a big ceremony, great! Good for you! Why did you have to put in the dig about just not understanding the people who aren't like you? I highly doubt you actually literally don't understand why someone would want to throw a big party.

Do any of us, really?

So what we need to do is stop trying 16-year-olds as adults, not fuck more 16-year-olds.

I've always taken their use of "thug" and the language styling more as an opposite end extreme of the way veganism is perceived in culture. When one thinks "vegans" and even "healthy cooking" in a general sense, the image conjured is one of skinny hipsters, hippies, hemp clothing and crystals. The "thug cooking"

You know, as a Black person, I don't have a lot of feelings about this. It's made healthy cooking amusing and interesting. And I think the thing that makes me feel more okay about it is that the authors aren't pretending to 'be down'. They're just saying 'hey, we had this idea and we wanna do it.' It would be one

How on earth is this a surprise that this is white people? Look at it.

I am totally not surprised. Not. At. All.

I live in New York. I guess that makes me an expert on New York law. Let me call up the New York bar and ask whether the J.D. I obviously deserve for being a New Yorker got lost in the mail.

Something about the use of rich white completely unqualified actors/actresses to testify at and spearhead these sorts of things doesn't sit fabulously well with me. They are not experts, they have done nothing noteworthy in the service of the cause they now "champion"....

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

I honestly don't believe it was a sham. I can shamelessly admit that I am a regular KUWK watcher (DO NOT JUDGE ME. DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME) and despite being generally pretty critical of Kim when I watch, I honestly think that marriage was sincere. Kim genuinely seems like the kind of woman who falls in love with the

I know! It's not like most of the world is non-white or anything...oh, wait. Well, anyway, you're right - these WOC need to stop whining about being represented all the time! I mean, representation and the constant focus on white people and their accomplishments (even those that aren't really their accomplishments but

Probably not, but taking a good dump before you weigh will, so there's that.

I'm with you. I'm 5'2 and skinnies fit me. Even most petite pants are too long on my (almost human) legs. I don't care if they go out of fashion, I'll wear them forever. Amen.

Given that they did not invent antiseptic and anesthetic until about halfway into the Victorian Era. I'm very doubtful that it happened at all.

As has been reported and discussed on this site and the internet over, people have been going bonkers over the FLOTUS' body since she was introduced to America. They threw a fit because her official WH portrait captures her flawless arms in a sleeveless dress. They hate that she wears shorts. They hate her butt. Yadda

Not in one million years if she were a doctor would FOX News have run the headline "MMA Fighter Beats Up Doctor Girlfriend." Like, c'mon. I do think it's relevant to list her occupation in an article on this—she's famous for her work in the commercial sex industry, there's nothing wrong with that, that's how people