
It's really disheartening to read all these comments from people saying things like "her body type is still totally unobtainable to 95% of women!" and "even 'normal' people don't look like that!". Why do people act like serious fitness is some kind of freakish abnormality? I am a size 0, an Olympic weight lifter, and

In a roomful of women and men who looked as if they were clad by the Taliban in comparison, she was handed a trophy by Vogue magazine editrix...

Well if you are going of the classical understanding of body shapes there are supposed to be six this bikini could work on five, so they are not lying.

No, his family had been having him treated mental illness for several years but, once he turned 18, he refused to continue treatment. At that point, without treatment, it seems his behavior began to change drastically.

figured it was just stopping to see of it could eat her yet

It does become weirdly personal, which is annoying. I would rightly be regarded as the biggest asshole ever if I went around forcing flax seed banana smoothies on all my coworkers. It's no less rude when it comes to donuts or birthday cake.

Yes! I'm so tired of being expected to explain WHY I'm not indiscriminately shoveling everything within arm's length into my mouth. Seriously, if I wanted ice cream, I'd be eating ice cream. I don't comment on what's on other people's plates, so why do other people feel it's their place to try and pressure me into

who cares?

First of all, it's just a bar. Like, you sit at a pretty bar and drink your drink. Just like at other airport bars.

You finally like her because she put her hands (and foot) on someone?!?!?

idk high school pranks are pretty common and some are quite ridiculous I would not consider this particularly harmful just because of it's sexual nature it was a letter no one actually tried to inspect anyone's privates also the letter is so ridiculous really what professional would call this type of examination a the guy is actually going to pay taxes on it.

I'm sorry, but every time I hear someone talk about how Mother's day is a manufactured piece of shit Hallmark holiday and OH MY GOD THEY WILL NOT BE A PART OF THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS....

That saying always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because it was used against me at one point (at the time, I didn't have friends of any gender), but it just seems like a safe way to put a woman in her place under the guise of being supportive of women.

I don't care about her age, I just wish she'd find something new to do. The LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M WILD AND SEXUAL is kinda tired after it's 30 year run.

This is needlessly condescending toward people who don't like handling bodily fluids. You are not somehow "better" than those of us who don't want to get messy, nor are you necessarily more comfortable with your body. There's also the fact that for a lot of women, the cup is too big and/or doesn't fit or they have

I don't know. I think that would I silently raise an eyebrow at the idea of the CEO of a health food company (organic, gluten-free, free range, locally grown farm-fresh, etc.) showing up in a gas-guzzling SUV right after scoring lunch at AppleBees. When it comes to certain niche industries/companies, you want to

"Childlike people unable to appreciate the inherent value of sweat, pain, or strength wear the Fitbit as they work out"

Wowza. Talk about a derail.

I wish there were another viable female candidate for president.