
So anyone who disagrees with you is "tone policing" or "shaming"? I take this issue seriously too. I just think if you're going to make the claim that you're "incredibly" patient and understanding then demonstrate that. I'd just like to see a debate that's respectful, and comparing this woman (I'm just assuming the OP

I totally agree that this kind of issue should be covered by Jezebel, and really, if people don't like it, they don't have to read it. That being said, I think your response to the OP is unnecessarily harsh and does not remotely demonstrate this patience and understanding you're talking about. You could have easily

Argh. This has been so blown out of proportion and context. This guy was the one who introduced the bill to legalize interracial marriage in Alabama.

You should consider having your thyroid checked, just to be sure, but more likely you were retaining water from starting a new exercise regime or accidentally underestimating your calories.

the state knew the chimp was dangerous, but the woman who went over to her close friend's house to help 'corral' a rampaging animal didn't?

LOL, I share your point of view actually, I've been reading your comments to other participants.

Mark, now I'm just curious here....but what kind of penises have you seen? Because none I've ever seen look like they have a giant warty growth on the end.

I mean, I think it depends on your definition of chubby. Chubby is like, cute, a little pudge, which she clearly is. She is clearly not thin.

I can't even be bothered by this in the slightest. I find high fashion and Vogue (which epitomizes it) so ridiculous that the inclusion of reality TV and tabloid celebs and larger-than-life rap artists is totally acceptable. Major side-eye to anyone who thinks this is the end of times (any time.)

It may surprise you to learn that non-whites also go to college and volunteer for things.

Plus, they're not really "hiding" if they're posing for pictures. But I guess it's easier to sell this story to jezebel readers if it's framed as "those sad, brainwashed ladies", and not "they saved a lot of money and spent it on shit they wanted."

I will say...I lost weight through a combination of improved diet and a lot of exercise, and people did not like that answer any better. I don't think there's an acceptable answer other than "I took a magic pill and you can too!".

I'm a fucking Indian woman also, but it doesn't mean I don't think about ways to challenge people's notions of diversity. While I agree that a double-standard exists and no one person should be responsible for breaking all the barriers, I don't think it hurts to challenge onesself to keep pushing boundaries.

#LiesToldByFemales I do all this fashion and makeup stuff for men, because sexism. Except for when I dress/behave like this because women put s0 much pressure on each other to look/act in certain ways. But then again, sometimes I dress/behave in certain ways just for me. Like in the Vagina Monologues and I'm wearing

To be fair, I think there were some females toeing the line on that one, too.

Healthcare providers need very clear guidelines for how to ask patients about disease exposure, mostly because our own awkwardness and the bias of our own sexual experience causes us to ask people questions the wrong way. "Are you having condomless sex?" is way more specific and useful than "Are you having unprotected

A kid. Expressing herself. Attempting to be true to herself and as genuine as she can be at that age. Seems to like her fans. I'm not going to hate on her. Remember when you felt rebellious and angry because your parents and other people had what you thought were ridiculous expectations of you but you didn't have

You mean a job that you are paid for is not always great fun or delightfully relaxing?

You literally cannot maintain that type of weight without consuming an absurd amount of calories. The "diets don't work" mentality arises because people view dieting as something to do once, and stop once they lose weight. If someone is serious about losing weight, they need to make permanent lifestyle changes.

I think everytime Jezebel posts yet another doom and gloom article about women and weight, I'm going to post a positive one. Here, a recent study showed that women may be more successful losing weight than men when they incorporate certain probiotics into their diet: