
If a man in the park whipped out his cock as you were walking past and yelled "hey, want to suck my dick?" I wouldn't call it sexual assault. You were walking past, he didn't try to detain you in any way and while it is unpleasant, it's not (in my opinion) a sexual assault. The police would arrest him for public

Again...if the person did not intend for the person who's face they shoved their dick in to be a threatening act (meaning that they intended the person to feel that that they had no choice but to comply or there would be financial, reputational, or physical ramifications for refusal), then it's hard (for me) to say

You're actually just giving more examples of incidents that I have already stated would fall into the category of coercion. In the case of a teacher having sex with an under-aged student, it's statutory rape, so there's no question there at all.

After a certain point if you don't increase the intensity of any exercise, you will not see much change in your body. I run 20 minutes, 3 times per week at the same speed because I want to maintain my weight. If I wanted to lose weight, I would increase the speed of my run (which is what I do if I notice that my

Eh, what?

What studies? Do you have any links?

That's actually one of the more absurd statements that I've read on here in a while.

I think that's the crux of the issue here. You really do seem to believe that a person who is falsely accused would be okay because they would likely be vindicated. That's simply not the case for many Black and Brown men in this country. History and present events prove that to be a false premise.

I was with you right up to the bit about being raped is far more egregious than being falsely accused of rape.

Yes, I definitely agree with you.


It's interesting in that I have been on the pill since I was 15 (which means that I have now been on the pill for 20 years) so I don't think I ever recognized if the pill contributed to more weight or larger breasts. It's entirely possible that it has.

I know that's a popular saying, but it's something that I just don't buy. Were the very thin women of today (i.e. size 00) considered the standard of beauty in the middle ages? Doesn't seem that way. However, it also doesn't seem that larger sizes (i.e. size xxl) was seen as the standard either.

Justin Bieber is thought of as attractive by pre-teens. When I was 12 I thought the feminine-looking boy of NKOTD and New Edition were so dreamy. As an adult, I don't find effeminate men attractive.

Genetics gives everyone a body type. For many, many, many people their lifestyle choices dictate how much extra fat that body type carries.

Patchy hobo look made me laugh out loud. I know exactly what you mean...

Nope. Most guys that I know (non professional swimmers, the lot of them) get rid of all of their body hair. The others definitely take care of their underarms and keep their "gardens" nice and trim.

If he had a knife to her head it would be a criminal act because the threat is implied even if never stated. If he just said to her "I have a knife" and never brought it out, it would be a criminal act. If he drugged her (a crime) and then had sex with her while she was passed out it would be a crime because she could

They seem to be equally douchebaggy to me, so it'll be more who realizes that it's not possible to marry the douchebaggery out of another person (and hopefully how off-putting they are).