
As a 5'2" person who is size a 4 I think that this chick (and you) is totally normal. There seems to be some confusion about the words "normal" and "average" on Jez.

So you're saying that any woman who enjoys what seems to be rough sex is the victim of sexual assault. Because that's what this photo indicates. No matter your statement of "I have no idea if this photo is consensual" because you posted it in response to a question of why doesn't anyone provide photos.

I took it more as "I'm not calling you a bad person, but this was a bad decision" more than anything.

Nope, you're straight out saying I am wrong because you don't share my opinion. Read your own words. It is you that is grasping at straws trying to justify your hypocritical stance.

If that were the case — if you really had no opinion about her reasons — you wouldn't have been motivated to respond by stating that I must be projecting. I know what your point was. I'm just pointing out how asinine it was considering that you obviously have a different opinion based on...your own your projections.

Neither can you, yet here you are jumping in to counter my statement because of your own projections and opinions. So you are right and I am wrong because, reasons.

I never said all women. I pointed to this woman, Madonna, and Miley Cyrus.

Ummm, but she does. She's not doing this because she is sexually liberated. She is doing this for attention. Not pinning this on you, but the folks on this site go apeshit over Miley Cyrus' exploits and give the slow golf clap to Rhianna for doing the same shite.

What an insane thing to tell someone. Her height to weight ratio is considered ideal (by some) so she should...just get over the fact that people make rude comments to her face.

Shape isn't the same as size.

I think it's a combo of that and increased weight.

There has got to be something better because that is not at all flattering.

Not to be a jerk, but that was that not your choice? Unless those douchebags withheld food/forced food down your throat, then you chose to adopt that approach.

But isn't there a greater risk of all of that happening if a person goes through the scanner and the TSA agents are surprised by what they see?

Then why not decline to walk through the machine, provide a brief explanation of why you choose to have a a pat down, express the preference that you have for the sex of the person to do that pat down, and keep it moving.

So are we saying that there is absolutely no mental health issue involved when a person decides that the only way to get piece of mind is to murder and rape the people he feels have slighted him in the past?

Yes, they actually did.

I'm surprised and disgusted by people who not only condone but applaud physical violence. I was not aware that Jay-Z had attacked and raped Solange prior to this elevator incident. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about how you know that this occurred?

So if she had attacked Beyonce like this would you feel the same? That she is a bad ass for not being afraid of her powerful sister and being ready to throw down in an elevator if provoked?

Yes, it is actually a criminal act to physically attack another person. Had he chosen to he could have gone toe the police and had her arrested for attacking him.