
Haha yeah, Tony Soprano all the way!

More power to him, I hope he wins this. 

Still, I haven’t heard any real shit going on with these, that drivetrain must be pretty solid. Same goes, of course, for Prius, which has been around for over 20 years. I love the way these hybrids drive, supersmooth. Plus the Volt looks pretty good in my eyes.

That is a good point, however, Volt isn’t trying to be a full EV. The gasoline engine takes you further than the electric one, which puts a different perspective on this. 

Excellent decision, having a gas burner in an electric car is pure blasphemy. 

How about the Rotary Club?

Well, I wish them all the best. No hulu here in euroland though.

If they were, over half of our cities would be torn down. 

Only his position as chairman has been at risk.

That will only make things worse. Start your car while parked and in first gear, and you instantly hit anything in front of you. Massagse the pedals wrong in traffic and you’re stopped. In traffic. I see it all the time and always think “get an automatic, you donkey”. 

Generalizations are great rant-helping tools. 

Bimmer plate reads NAR-702. Nar = joker in dutch. So there.

“to adult”. From the verb adultery?

uncrank yourself and you can haz a different vehicle!

That is not design. That is just wrong.

How about coffee and mustangs? Will clear up the lot nicely as well. ;)

Can I say that I like the way it looks?

Saddle sore cream?! 

The list of problems was too long for kinja.

Those con men operate on your side of the pond as well? Man o man.