
Will there be a convertible?

Well, tbh, the truck looks like a chevy to me. Bit more square, maybe.

That woman seems unstable. Maybe she is a good match for the incoherent potus?

Where do I click to buy one? Make that two!

I tried to walk from the rental place to a store that I could see in Kansas City, years ago. Mistake. No sidewalks, no way to cross that street without 4 wheels. 

I am very sorry that you did not get a Citroën, and on behalf of the whole of Europe I apologise for the inconvenience.

Haha how did that happen?

I like Prius as well. Comfy enough for commuting as well as long trips, wonderful drivetrain. I don’t have one because I cactus myself around and I have become a “Citrofile, just like my father used to be.

Single malt, I presume?

That is a nice car!

Because he can go “I am ze fuckin’ police, he”?

Plus they’re family to jaaaaaaaags.

That sounds excellent. I assume the back is loaded with the stuff when bought?

Why is it weird? Not trolling. I like it. I don’t have to go lookup the 340 engine, I immediately know the size of the engine.

been watching Eastenders again?

You forget about watching his show and be correctly entertained, however not any wiser concerning cars or driving.

For a while, VW sold the Golf GTE here, which is a GTI with a hybrid drivetrain. I am guessing that was never sold in the US, but that would have been a better choice than an “R”, especially if they are traded in for EV’s later.

He shall now move to the Netherlands as stated in international color-law, where these are the only accepted colors and blend in, instead of standing out.

somehow “break apart in mid air” and TheBlightOfGrey’s “Very safe plane” don’t compute. 

Hahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahaha there goes my coffee