Maul returns in Clones Wars, and is around for a while. there is a pretty big gap between that and Solo, and then there’s maybe 5-ish years between Solo and his death in Rebels. They’ve got some time to play with.
Maul returns in Clones Wars, and is around for a while. there is a pretty big gap between that and Solo, and then there’s maybe 5-ish years between Solo and his death in Rebels. They’ve got some time to play with.
The tech said the control units look like they are completely unused. If Dolores is going to the Mess she’ll have the means to create new or counterfeit bodies. I’m going to bet that those host are wanting around in unregistered, explosive-less bodies.
Sizemore mentions that they are supposed to switch to English (or the appropriate language?) When a non-japanese speaking guest is around. Just one more sign of how far the host have strayed from their original programming.
Bernard says that the unit he made wasn’t for a human, so unless he’s lying for some reason, its not Emily. I would guess that he transfered a host code into one of these new control units. What that would do to the host personality and abilities I can’t even guess though.
Did everyone, including the writers, forget that the odium doesn’t just kill people? It kills them by supercharging them and sends them into a berserker rage. That’s the worst possible thing to give to an unstable gravity powered “hero” with an inferiority complex. Odium might be even worse than letting him mine more…
Diesel’s production company makesthose movies, so he can pay himself whatever he wants too.
One of my favorite things about Annihilation was the Human heros coming back to earth and going “wait, you guys couldn’t help us stop the galaxy from being consumed by extra dimensional bugs because you were fighting about you could save the world on a voluntary basis?”
Aww, I liked Push. Pre-Marvel Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning and Djimon Hounsou all trying to make this idea work, and then being sabotaged by a half thought out script.
Are we sure Zack Snyder didn’t direct this?
Is she helping him become secretary of state, or is she advising him on how the department works, under the assumption that he will get the job. Unless she’s coaching him on how to get through the hearings or lobbying for him in the Senate, she’s not helping him become the Secretary of State. she’s trying to help him…
Cruz is pretty similar to Trump in that regard. No one who knows him personally, or knows politics likes him, but he’s he’s really good at getting publicity and getting a certain part of the Republican base on his side. If he either didn’t look like a Blobfish or Donald Trump hadn’t stolen his followers, he might be…
He only wanted 200 American stores and the 80 Canadian ones.
I thought that they only added that for O’Reilly, and only for his last contract, after they had to deal with multiple previous cases.
He voiced a character in Guardians, but he didn’t appear in the movie or do motion capture for the character. His voice work always seems to be well done. His on screen presence has grown stale.
When was the last time Diesel was in a movie , as more tan a vicr, that he or his sister didn’t produce? If he didn’t have a creative say in these movies, there’s no way anyone would pick him over The Rock. And Diesel knows he can’t carry the movies, which is why The Rock is still showing up in them, regardless of…
Theory: Daisy, in an attempt to save Coulson, Puts him in the infuser instead. Coulson, being just a regular human, can’t control the power, breaks the world, and Daisy dies in the process. Everyone assumes it was Daisy, because that was Hale’s original plan, and she becomes Quake, Destroyer of Worlds in the popular…
I’m still disappointed that Mack never had a chance at the Director spot. Between Yoyo, the Framework, and all the other crap he been though, he’s in no shape for it now, but at one point he was the most level headed person on the team.
Wen was his last new song? Woody Allen pops up every year or two with a new movie, and everyone is reminded that he exist and proceeds to talk about how terrible he is. R Kelly has been kind of coasting for the past 10-15 years, drawing girls and women in with residual fame. He’s not doing anything that would gain…
Youve got to be at player level for PUBG to be interesting, but you’re gonna miss 90% of the game if you try that. You’d need a staff member watching every team, and able to switch the feed when necessary. Even then, it would be disorienting for the veiwers, constantly having to adjust to new locations as the stream…
Has anyone here seen Been Affleck shirtless under blacklight?