
Once upon a Time she was groundbreaking. She was a black woman on tv when there weren’t any, and she outperformed anyone before or since. She probably launched tons of black artist to mainstream success and brought visibility to weight issues and sexual abuse survivors.

Most regular con goers have experienced post con sickness. This isn't some theoretical model about the spread of disease, this is something that happens after every con of appreciable size. Adding a highly contagious disease, with a decent (thought not extreme) death rate would be terrible. Even if no one who attends

We won in 2018 because people were terrified of Trump and went out to vote, not because they were centrist candidates. Centrist candidates have been running in red and purple states and except for 2008 and 2018 been getting their asses handed to them since, what, Clinton’s first term?

How has he not had at least 5 since taking office?

Tulsi has be angling for a pundit slot on Fox News for months now.

So... he saw Clinton’s performance in 2016, and decided to emulate it.

Because centrist Democrats will come off as only slightly better than Trump on actual issues. “I won’t put babies in cages, but I won’t fight for anything more radical than preserving what Obama did”. That message doesn't get people out to vote. They came out two years ago, flipped the house, and got a foot dragging

This bugged me for my entire playthrough. They piled bunches of crap onto the battle system, with no refinement. If I wanted to play a game with PS2 era controls, I'd pop in the original Kingdom Hearts and have a lot more fun.

You're better off leaving the sealed. KHIII was never gonna love up to the nostalgia of the old games, even if they had released a worthy successor.

Spencer’s? That is a Hot Topic semi-gorh if I ever saw one.

That might happen, just wait til it's time for his next single to drop.

But how else are we supposed to know that Jason DeRulo fucks?

Not just been in the business, he’s a former boy band star. You know they extensive training on avoiding scandels that would hurt their images. I have no doubt all the N’SYNC guys were banging fans, but they knew better than to be seen while doing it.

That heart attack should’ve been his cue to drop out. The fact that he didn’t means he’s either an idiot or deluded. He could have bowed out and taken up an advisor position for one of the other candidates, but he’s got a huge savior complex that won’t let him.

Snoke is like 7 ft tall. Unless Herzog took some force steroids, I don't think that's gonna be it.

I see you missed the terrible plot point that the kids were sent away so that mom and dad could hash out the divorce to... surprise them with when they returned? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was her lawyer telling her to come back into negotiations.

The daylight CG, in 2019, looks dated and flat, sure. The movements look more lifelike than a large portion of CG animation that comes out today though.

I wore my Jurassic Park shirt to my gf's house about a month ago and as soon as I walked in her friend told me she hates Jurassic Park. We're forcing her to watch it this weekend, because she obviously watched something else and thought it was Jurassic Park.

Depends, does she have a release scheduled for the next couple weeks?

They were legal, under the interpretations of the time, as these are. Doesn't make them not concentration camps and human rights violations.