
Not around the mall, just the White House, so his convoy has to drive over the ruined pavement Everytime they go out.

I just moved back to the DC area last year and was thinking about going to see the fireworks until I was reminded it had been turned into a Trump festival. I’m sure there’ll be enough of a crowd to stroke his ego, but a ton of people are not interested in this shit.

Youve nailed it. This is a stealth reboot of Transformers. Hobb & Shaw, or someone from their families, will be the human leads and maybe meet the Autobots next movie. Idris Elba will die at the end of this, at which point Megatron will reveal himself and declare the time for open war has come.

The guys who do these attacks are not the organizer type. The one who can organize are smart enough not to do it on camera. This guy is a follower, he might be held up as a trophy for whatever supremacists organization he ends up in, but in 5 years he'll just be another dude there to fill the ranks.

He was in God’s Not Dead, which released in 2014, and I distinctly remember hearing more of his shitty opinions on the run up to that release. Best(?) case he was newly born again, but I feel like you’ve gotta have some history of being a shitty theocrat before Kirk Cameron will give you a staring roll in one of his

I'm sure I would think it was terrible now, but when I was 10, Inside not regret choosing it for my weekend movie rental. (10 yr old me did not have especially high movie standards so YMMV)

I loved the Legends and Ulimate Alliance games, and will definitely be buying the new one. The fact that it took so long for another game in the series is ridiculous.

I tell people it's really good, but to stressful for me to continue after the first episode.

I’m sure Putin has some fondness left over from his KGB days, but what is the general sentiment in Russia in regards to the USSR? Do they still identify with that era, is it seen as a shitshow that they’re glad is over, or somewhere between?

“That providing contraception coverage would upset white Catholic men”

She had this in the closet, but went with her 200 yr old armor to fight Doomsday and... the guy from Justice League, who's name I forget. (All I can think is sigfred, but I know that's not it).

A Pornhub social app might be good, but we workers need to be able to engage in mainstream spaces as well. Besides, pornhub loves profiting off of stolen content. They're big enough that performers already need a presence there, but I don't know that anyone would want to make them the center of their online identity.

I watched the first episode and gave up. This show was WAY to stressful for me. I then proceeded to spend the last month suggesting other people watch it..

Unless they get another bailout, the soy farmers are gonna be fucked during the election next year. Whether there's a deal or not, China has already started sourcing from elsewhere. That market is gone.

He's throwing other people's money in their general direction, I'm pretty sure that's Trump's definition of friendship.

Republicans vote no matter what, Democrats vote when they’re inspired. Pelosi is good at a lot of her job, but inspiring the electorate isn’t one of them. You want voters, put forward BOLD solutions to the problems the country faces, you can can hash out the compromises later. Uplift those young progressives that

Why does he write all his notes in sharpie? If he just wrote it in pen like a normal adult, instead of pulling out a giant marker, no one would have been able to read this.

For all we know the Night King just regenerates every few thousand years. We never really got the story of how the long night ended, just that it did. Maybe the Night’s Watch still has a roll.

If we knew how the white walkers were defeated the first time I might be more confident about that. For all we know the Night King regenerates every few thousand years.

He's not memorable enough for any of the shitty things he's done or said to cause waves. He hangs out with Trump, we all call him an ass and then move on without even thinking about that fact that he has a talkshow or that Family Feud is actually still on the air.