
How does Ivanka look more plastic than Barbie?

Im not saying she is, but I wouldn’t rule it out. It seems like HHaleand Strucker’s relationship wasn’t strictly professional. Their kids were hanging out together, and Hale got invited to watch Werner get tortured. Not to mention that they made a point of saying that she didn’t know who her father was.

Wen it comes to sales? A lot.

Does she get to be part of that cycle though? She’s not Asgardian even if she is channeling Asgardian power. Is this a Ragnarok? Maybe she could get an Asgardian reincarnation if it is?

My general reading is “porn” isn’t inherently bad. The porn industry is fucking terrible though. It eats up new actresses and spits them out, with a few lucky ones making it through to have actual careers (kind of like regular acting, but with more overt abuse and more real life shunning). But once you start

I keep seeing it referenced like he built the sub by himself in his garage or something. He was part of a company that was created to build the thing. He had staff and engineers involved in the building. Somehow when he left the company, possibly because he was a creepy fuck and it was the price of getting him to just

They said it would take weeks to get everyone out for Killmonger’s throne challenge and the movie seems to start the day before his crowning. So maybe a month or two after Civil War?

Also the fact that they showed her arms on the ground as the door closed, just in case you were wondering if anyone picked them up.

Do we have a solid lock on when the shows “present” is? As if Black Panther, MCU is still in 2016, I think. Would the “Asgardian in NY” be Thor Ragnarok? Where does that take place in relation to Civil War and BP?

They’re definitely robots, but maybe to tall to be Daisy LMDs. I would have some questions if they were the Daisy LMDs, since so far we’ve been led to believe that they are going after SHIELD because they don’t believe that the Daisy that shot Talbot wasn’t the real Daisy. If they’re using LMD tech, then are the

He’ll keep taking the abuse because the job allows him to put more brown people in jail and slap down those states that think they “States Rights” are for anything other than gun and discrimination.

I don’t think they delayed it, but they might have cancelled a comicon panel/viewing?

But how? They can incentivise you with unique gear because the crafting system allows for the creation of much better, sometimes game breaking, gear already. The lore stuff is cool, but 75% of it is recycled from the previous games. Maybe if they hadn’t scrapped the stronghold upgrade mechanics from the early builds

I liked the theory of the war table, but the execution was crap.

Don’t worry, he’ll let DC foot the bill for fixing the streets after a dozen tanks have chewed them to hell, and he’ll probably come out richer for it when all the state visitors just happen to stay in his hotel.

What really gets me is the parents who pretty much give their children to their agent or publicist. The ones who say “sure, go to that industry party with 40 drunk middle aged men, alone.” You can’t decide for adults, but it seems like a lot of child actors end up victimised because their parents put the career ahead

Depends on the demographics. If you’re only pulling poor middle aged white men in Alabama, even if it’s all of them, you can’t charge high prices for ads, because those people just don’t have a lot of disposable income.

Depends on how much the cast is getting paid. The “LastMan Standing” crowd might make it worthwhile. My understanding was that it got decent ratings, but not good enough to justify paying the cost of Tim Allen’s

I really liked what we saw of Snoke in TLJ. He was the aristocrat, sitting on his throne, draped in gold, assuming the bloodlines of his underlings marks them as worthy. He’s undeniable powerful, laughing off any direct attacks, but also too cocky to see through a pretty low level distraction.

I mis-read one of the flavors in the header as “Double Slut”, in which case, yeah, they are getting REALLY weird with the flavors.