
Nah. What’s actually amazing is that Smash still has a competitive scene after vast swaths of it were accused of grooming, sexual assault, and illegal gambling. While I’m not saying Nintendo has a point here we do need to remember that the last time Nintendo actually made even a paltry effort to support the Smash


It takes effort, skill and work to set up a cock-fighting league too. Just because the guy put a lot of work into it, that doesn’t mean Nintendo should go “oh well, he tried really hard so let’s leave him alone”.

I mean, there’s still all that horrific shit of him sliding into underage girls DMs and telling them they’re hot jailbait.

Great, more phishing schemes to look out for.

Video games are treated like movies and TV shows for parts of copyright and IP law. Playing a video game in front of a room full of paying customers is considered a “public performance” of that video game, and requires the appropriate rights.

Yes. And Yes.

That’s not even the last of it. All of the details are IKEA. The building menu is a catalog that uses IKEA advertising design. That’s not to mention all the other details like employee uniforms that are clearly taken directly from IKEA.

Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.

I mean, the “solution” is to not have the lowest vaccination of any developed nation besides Russia and maintaining protocols until cases are next to non-existent instead of the rollercoaster of giving up the fight right as we’re turning the corner like firefighters that start packing up when they’ve got the open

It’s weird to me that a gaming website is constantly surprised at the existence of copyright law, and doesn’t seem to quite grasp that the law does not require that you make money off the infringement for it to be illegal.

Honestly this whole thing smells of bullshit, would not be surprised if this tool  faked the whole thing just for the clicks. Look how much attention this whole thing got him along with the extra rev he is going to make off his Youtube 

The real story here is whether or not this entire thing is a hoax or not. Because it seems a really good way to get viewers on his channel. All the people clicking the link to get joy from this “failure” are sending ad revenue his way. I have doubts that amount of money actually changed hands and wasn’t just at best a

Industry shill stops short of criticizing his source of wealth.”

My dad was a Blockchain. You joke but this hurts real people

A carbon neutral NFT would have to have every transaction be powered by a carbon neutral power source or somehow offset its carbon. I fail to see how any NFT can ensure this so this idea of a carbon neutral NFT is preposterous.

permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out

Any artistic vision is already compromised by becoming a commercial venture. The fact that it is Dark Souls 3 should already being enough evidence that the it exists because the powers that be believed it would make money rather than any grand belief in it being high art. Increasing accessibility options allows more

He added that Notorious Studios has a “flatter structure,” made up of people who wrote code, made art, and designed pieces of games rather than serving as leads or directors.

It might be. It might not be. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised either way. My problem is the arrogance of the Melee community such that they constantly believe that they are simultaneously 1) persecuted more than any other fandom, and 2) are unequivocally correct in their belief that their game is Superior. It’s like