
They're called Game Mill?? 10/10 product as described.

It's good for anyone who uses vtube studio and would like to not out themselves 

Ok, so to make it clear. Because wow that is a lot of words added in your revised reply to me, you’re asking for a video game tournament organizer to begin this legal revolution?

That’s great and all but it immediately falls apart at the whole “public broadcast” thing. That’s not a Nintendo thing. You’re basically asking for a teardown of copyright law. Don’t be all shockedpikachu.gif when the music industry, the movie industry, and every national sports league all line up to crush your ragtag

I really hope it’s a nobody, just some jobber in a mask. Yet another almost jedi who joined up. They way they can be used however much, or little that the story needs.

This merger is bad for gamers and bad for consumers. But sure, ignore precident and celebrate this.

The meme of "Stop snitching on yourself" comes to mind. If did modded content you could be sure as hell that I wouldn't be hosting it on my monetized channel.

I’ve found that the people who complain about X players being the reason they keep losing matches to be the absolute shit-tier suckass players.

As a fan of previous Sony handhelds, I absolutely DO NOT WANT another Sony handheld as it’ll just be abandoned earlier than it should be.

Initially misread the sentence about them using/not using mods. Whoops! My bad!

Well. At least it wasn’t over trying to get Nintendo to agree to mods.

I worked a couple of months at a Pizza Hut once when I was a teenager, so of course I should be referred to as an ex Pizza Hut employee for the rest of my life!

Okay but how would she be expected to know the foam pit is unsafe? People are expected to be knocking each other off of podiums into it, which creates legally, a reasonable expectation of safety. And to be completely honest I'm pretty smooth brain when it comes to the construction of foam pits and gladiator podiums so

Ok, but in the article thumbnail the sign is absolutely using IKEA trade dress. That isn’t a coincidental oopsie-doopsie.

Likely it’s shorthand for saying “My lawyer has taken the steps to make sure my husband can’t sieze all of my money”. This isn’t anything new or impressive. If we were married and going through legal proceedings (including but not limited to divorce) one of the first things the lawyer does is to make sure that neither

Any lawyer worth their salt will be able to metaphorically piss on that waiver.

Ok but how do I connect anal beads to a chess program?

Ironically, it’s been Bill Murray who has been championing for Hudson to get recognition, even to the point of refusing to participate in some stuff unless they got Hudson too.

“At least it will be free to play”

I love uncut sheets of cards/currency/etc. I've never had the pleasure of owning one as time/place/price has yet to work out in my favor.