
I might actually unlock every part in a Mario Kart for once!

This is odd. I have encountered this rule multiple times over the past 4 years on a community channel that help I run. Because of background music the videos (these are community live performances/public events) the videos get blocked in say, Japan or Europe (It’s usually Japan) but are viewable in the rest of the

I mean.

The entire thing is a hoax. The only money he is out is the amount paid for everyone to participate and the cost of making the video.

The real story here is whether or not this entire thing is a hoax or not. Because it seems a really good way to get viewers on his channel. All the people clicking the link to get joy from this “failure” are sending ad revenue his way. I have doubts that amount of money actually changed hands and wasn’t just at best a

So... is it still for sale? Asking for a friend.

You have used 3gb of your hyperbole plan. Your plan resets on September 15th.

It comes down to protecting the copyrights on whatever IP is on those ROMs and demonstrating to business partners/3rd parties that they are not allowing the violation of those IP copyrights either.

Rights issues. Every time a game is ported to a new system, someone has to get paid. Even so-called first party games can have some rights holder, some developer, contractor, whatever who is due some small % whenever the game is ported somewhere else.

Ok. Sure.

This is demonstrably false. In reality it does happen. Especially with trademarks. 

Oh of course. Absolutely no one pirates games ever. It's all legal backups, always forever.

Sometimes it’s just custom sounds, colors, etc. There was a time when you couldn't set txt sounds per person as an example. I bet some of these users are using the app because they started before google caught up on personalization

Looking the other way sets legal precedent that they won't protect their IP. It sucks, but that's how it works. 

“Nintendo doesn’t want tournament to use mods and pirated copies of their games”

That’s a corporate answer for “Nope”.

Glad I read this before committing!

Glad I read this before committing!

I used to do convention stuff, and was part of the team who had to fill out all the paperwork and get all the rights to any media we were having on display. Basically we were getting liscenses for public broadcast. Usually free, but there was/are rules we had to follow. This was for both free and paid events.

Um. Freedom of speech is not freedom to cause harm. I don't know how you made that mental leap. I am not allowed to yell FIRE!!! in a crowded theater, to use a simple example.

I never got my Knapsack. It was stolen by a Gamestop Employee. Because of course it was.