
So... what’s the difficulty like? I’m not going to be fooled again. I got suckered into buying Ittle Dew 2+ and I’m so sick of that game’s whole GIT GUD mindset when all I wanted was a zelda-like, which apparently the 1st game was.

Certainly it was an accident, or at least a controlled crash. But it does set a precedent for the sorts of scary weapons you could design. Even if the empire has zero trust in droid fighters, they’ve already set the precedent of throwing lives away in cheap TIEs. Why not expand the doctrine to have kamikaze units? My


So basically she needed 300 really long extension cords? :D

So, if she gets a pat on the wrist this means they will let out all of the people sitting in California jails on nonviolent drug offenses? *gets handed a note* Oh, no. I’ve been informed that because most of those offenders are black, they will not be released.

They absolutely have used a single fighter to kamikaze a Star Destroyer in Star Wars. It’s happened on screen.

Why not Interdictiors?
Because Hubris. Because Hux and Snoke and Ren are unfit for command. This entire movie would have been 5 minutes long and not much of a STAR WAR if they launched TIEs the moment Poe’s X-Wing was on scanners.

Why not hyperspace weapons?
The Starkiller was a hyperspace weapon, but as far as why not

Not the whole resistance, just the group of people who were the last to escape at the beginning of the movie. They specifically said that others in the unit escaped to the evacuation points. (Note: points, multiple) Presumably the original plan was to wait until Leia gave the all clear from the crait outpost. Also, at

And there were several recorded instances in WWII where taking out a bomber in that fashion, also destroyed other nearby bombers in the formation.

The new TIE/fo fighters do, in fact have shields.

TIE Bombers used gravity bombs too?

World War II in space.

You just gotta remember that Star Wars is, and always has been World War II in space. Those were solid World War II tactics.

I’m like, 98% certain LiSF was hinting that his wife became a cam girl but vagued it up.

Um, actually? Yes. This happens. Excommunication and drama from family members for even SLIGHTLY working in the industry totally happens. Especially in the south.

Exactly. I totally was in the adult entertainment industry... as a receptionist and file clerk. Not all industry jobs require sexytimes with another person. Not all industry jobs even require sexytimes or nudity at all. But really, from the suuuuper vague way LiSF is describing the situation, I bet anyone a dollar

Hubris. This movie has been really good at emphasizing the overconfidence of the leaders of first order. Just like that scene in the beginning, where the bridge officer was absolutely pissed that Hux should have given him the leave to launch TIEs “FIVE MINUTES AGO”. So of course there was no call to send forward

Mind Blown

It reminds me of some naval sci-fi I had read that was essentially space battleships trying to score a broadside. All the speeds and distances were measured in light-seconds. It was pretty engrossing, but the second you thought “Wait. LIGHT SECONDS?” it becomes clear how far away these battleships were.

Rey was fighting one at a time, Kylo’s enemies came in twos and threes.

It was the most badass thing Luke Skywalker has ever done. Our theater lost their goddamned minds!! :D