Everything is safe if its broken down in your yard (exception for Tetanus).
Everything is safe if its broken down in your yard (exception for Tetanus).
Nothing safer than going 20 when everyone else is going 50.
Very cool car, but maybe don’t take safety tips from David
I believe the answer lies within the question.
They look a LOT better in person. Owing to their noise, vibrations, and general twitchiness, they’re are also kind of fatiguing to drive on the regular.
What is it with this seller and only getting cars in Cocaine White?
Too many literal jerks on this site...
Power is a measure of work per unit of time. Given a sufficiently small.unit of time, I fully believe that 800 horsepower is achievable...
The cuisine in my country has five ingredients, six at most, and all of them are based on either chickpeas or ground chickpeas.
If you believe a type 1 is even capable of 800 horsepower, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
912 was a fourth-generation 356. 912E is a Volkswagen bus that shrunk in the wash.
That’s pretty much what I got out of the article.
Cactus tacos are pretty damn good, too!
You make it sound like the 912 was a brand new idea to rip people off in 1976. I'm not sure that's 100% accurate.
Yeah, I just think of how the corporation stole the reputation of Bruce McLaren and rolled with it.
Sounds like you conflate Tex-Mex with actual Mexican cuisine.
Thanks Brad, now when I see or hear McLaren, I automatically think carne guisada tacos from a good Tex-Mex restaurant.
I was skeptical that a Porsche lease deal like that for a 911 existed, but you’re right.
“Does this math make any sense at all?”