Nothing. This article is written by Erik, he has shitty car taste.
Nothing. This article is written by Erik, he has shitty car taste.
I guess it's neither interesting nor tastefull, you know, like an Oldsmobile Tornado.
Andrew Cuomo has one so now they suck. Sorry everyone who liked this previously awesome car.
Where’s the Allinol reference?
They have the Taycan, they can call the synthetic fuel Porsche the Fuelcan.
Isn’t Porsche doing both?
THIS, so much this. I’m all for electrification but I fear the effects of going all-in. We’ve been depending on oil for way too long, and a full transition to electric cars will likely create another dangerous phenomenon of over-extraction with a high environmental toll. Lithium extraction is dirty AF and should be…
The Germans used coal for synthetic fuel. It was very expensive and inefficient, but was necessary to continue waging war.
Your sarcasm game is on point good sir.
R.I.P George Carlin.
I’ve been wondering why more discussion about a more efficient alternative fuel have been glossed over in favor of the EV craze.
I, for one, am all for taking a Volkswagen-controlled company’s word about clean fuel technology at face-value without any critical commentary.
This line of thought just makes too much sense. Get outta here, you tree-hugging commie.
Mercedes: hold my beer.
The Germans used synthetic fuel in world war 2. I’ve been wondering why more discussion about a more efficient alternative fuel have been glossed over in favor of the EV craze.
This is not an either-or situation. I think the right solution is a 200mi BEV with a very clean ICE range extender. If you add something like this eFuel to power the range extender then there is very little environmental penalty to letting people have a vehicle that can be both 100% electric for daily commutes but…
it doubles the price of the car to unlock the fuel door to be able to run on the gas.
Let me guess: works only with Porsche at premium cost.