CarMax is like the Lego Movie.
Wait, The French Laundry won't honor my Groupon?!?!?
GM has the economies of scale to act like Wal-Mart:
Front-wheel drive: 0 points. Hey, I love a good front driver as much as the next guy, but you just don't get any points. Sorry.
ha ha ha, I remember thinking as a four year old with Hot Wheels that was the shit!
Okay, sure this edition of the 5 has those dumb Dame Edna glasses headlights, but I think that overall the Touring is a far more handsome car than the sedan, and in fact could be considered pretty darn good looking.
The problem is you don't understand where "central" Chicago is. McCormick Place is not downtown—its on the Southside. You've undermined your own point.
The fact that I criticized your data sample size does not mean that I ignore data.
Chicago has more than three times as many people living in it than Detroit, so to simply say, "there were three hundred crimes one day in Chicago" doesn't prove safety or unsafety.
There are literally millions of safe people in Chicago…
Your sample size is a few days in December comparing downtown Detroit to Chicago's south side? Statistically per capita, Chicago is far safer than Detroit. And if you compare downtown Chicago to downtown Detroit, Chicago will pull even further ahead. This is really a boneheaded argument you're attempting.
Love it in LeMans blue!!
So Volkswagen has some issues, and it's easy to see why their sales numbers are off. And as we look back on 2014, we'll remember this as the year that Volkswagen ceded its plan for global domination to a bunch of people from Vermont who wear flip-flops in the snow.
I'm turning on the bat signal for Detroit's best Jalopnik defender, Aaron Foley? Are you out there??
I really hope you do. And you'll blow by me in my measly 335i.
She should immediately leave that company!
I love that the tire gauge comment is almost the most popular comment—because, Jalopnik.