
Well, at least that one!

What else is in your scuderia?

Scarcity will drive demand. I don't think the double clutch will be that much of a weight on the E90 M3's value. Could be wrong, but every year auctions tell me that hot cars shoot up in value—just the properly optioned ones go higher.

As for me, I prefer the driving experience: few things in life sound more appealing than an uninterrupted hour in the car, going through the gears, hearing the sounds, negotiating curves, and staring at the engine through the rearview mirror. But when you're driving a bright red Ferrari, "uninterrupted" isn't really

I've thought about the "leadership" description for awhile outside of any racial discussions because I'm a Bears fan that *mostly* believes Jay Cutler shouldn't be demonized.

You sir, have had a good life.

I want an E46 M3 so damn bad. Rest easy, knowing you've owned a true classic. The only recently built BMW I like more is the E39 M5.

Tavarish, you've hinted at it in your last sentence, but this is a car that will absolutely appreciate over time (most M3s will, but I'm still skeptical about whether the E36 will shoot up in value like the E30 did and the E46 almost certainly will).

Now, I don't mean to say that you can't consult the forums when you're thinking about a normal car. For example: believe it or not, there actually is a Toyota Highlander forum, and it's reasonably active. But the issues are more like: "Check out how funny my Golden Retriever looks in the driver seat of my Highlander!"

Here's to a 2015 filled with many more German super saloons that have depreciated in half after only 20k miles!!

The color is perfect and I love those red calipers. I'm becoming such a fan of depreciated German super cars.

250 hp for $600.

NOS is only $350.

"Now, since this column will undoubtedly hit the Audi forums – a group of folks who haven't exactly been my biggest fans, ever since I once said that "a vehicle made entirely by chimpanzees using random car parts" would be more reliable than an Allroad – I should issue a disclaimer."

I fly on Southwest a lot (46 flights last year) and always use business select. Occasionally the leg of my reservations were operated by AirTran.

Great story! What a terrific car.

2006 M6. 'Cuz, dat Bangle butt.


Cool car, and the E30 should be really fun! I've been on the E46 7 E90 forums and love the community online. Sorry you met some jerks.

So, Fiat is building a cross shop for the 228i?