
I clicked the "recommend" link, but it felt dirty. It's just too much like clicking "like" on Facebook for a post about a tragedy. Because that's what this is. And shoot, I'm a BMW driver.


Crap. I'm not followed by anyone. *Sad Charlie Brown Music*

Because Matt and Travis asked Aaron to make this sub-blog.

But Doug! What about DINAN parts installed by a DINAN dealer??

So, your theory is:

Jalopnik needs only post content meeting your personal criteria, instead of content Jalopnik has sought ought and promoted?

How dare they. It's like they own the domain or something.

Aaron, you're a good dude and you do great work for Jalopnik, but why go and get the gun loving folks all worked up????

What's wrong with you?

My guess is stories like the Fox News mole make that ratio well worth the trouble.


Your joke was pretty obvious. They're overreacting as if you'd posted a .gif on Jezebel.

Silver lining? One less hippie keeping Portland weird.

That's a terrible idea.

Their doing this crap on Jalopnik now too? Good lawd.

And that's Jezebel in one comment.

As long as they are choosing to do it and getting paid to do it, I'm fine with it. Its the NCAA crap that I can't stand.

I stand happily corrected.

The Blackhawks are named after a famous group of Air Force Fighter Pilots. The name isn't derogatory.

Clearly any terrorism that stems from Dearborn will be blamed on the City of Detroit. Just like the Pontiac Silverdome's decay.