
Wow. Just, wow.

Making fun of white folks is never the wrong thing to do.

Only a vehicle with whale penis leather seats will do!

My father owned a '71 Javelin. All that salt from winters in Lake County, Illinois kept him busy with the BONDO on that thing. AMC quality + salt = disaster.

There many ways unions help management. Unions provide management with a clear representative for resolving conflicts among employees, communication of goals, and in the best situations provide a highly trained and skilled workforce for the company (think like the old craft guilds). The cost of labor increases, but

I used to own a 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport. This happened to my brake lines and was an expensive repair.

I don't know if "70's GM product[s]" ever had a reputation of working properly. Were you thinking about 1980s Toyotas?

Now that's a warranty!

Máté Petrány just trolled all red-blooded 'Mericans just in time for the fourth of July!

Privatization of public entities is plain terrible. Especially making prisons into an industry.

No, I'm Axel Rosenbaum.

Cool car. Just way too high. The Chip Foose floor mats made me laugh though.

Even $5-6K could be reasonable. Its definitely a unique car and in nice shape.

If only it were a brown, two-door.

There were a lot of shenanigans involved in the Chattanooga plant vote, but none of them were by the UAW. All the shenanigans were by the politicians who lied, i.e., Bill Haslam and Bob Corker. Even VW pointed out the Republicans were lying.

Hopefully not.

Gawd damn.

This doesn't make sense.

The '82 Camaro certainly was not.

I was going to post a vote Fremont, CA as the worst, but you beat me to it. So, I'll have to post Chrysler, Toledo, OH instead.