Which would have once again proven what a petty, whiner Drudge is.
Which would have once again proven what a petty, whiner Drudge is.
Go Blackhawks.
You've gotten your "white power" blogs confused with Jalopnik.
"Your people"
That particular tattoo would have been a lot cheaper after the Bears win the 2015 Superbowl.
This is good for Detroit and props to Mayor Duggan. But, is it wrong that my first thought was, "GOOD LORD, what will happen to the Midwest Drift Union?"
That's exactly right. I don't get why anyone gets mad about a post that no one forced them to read. Unless of course someone has a gun to their head demanding, "READ AARON FOLEY".
"I come to Jalopnik for the cars, not some bullshit about a dead city that nobody gives a fuck about. KTHXBAI"
By the way, Nolan, Manhattan doesn't have alleys and is thus, full of wretched, vile, piles of garbage. Work on fixing that first and then worry about other towns.
I see them park on the side facing forwards often on I-55 near East St. Louis. It's a well known speed trap and the state troopers try to get both directions by parking parallel to the expressway in the center.
Poetic and shit.
Also, Chicago (& St. Louis for that matter as well) decided, "You know what? F**** IT. Let's get Chevy Suburbans to replace our squad cars."
I'm mad at myself for forgetting about that ad.
Own it? Ok. We're the damn, "Arsenal of Democracy".
Doug, your Ferrari has Alaska plates.
drizzle7 is clearly from New Jersey. Via Jacksonville, FL, or some other redneck town.
ha ha, well done.
What do racial demographics have to do with this comparison?
So, the thing about leaving New York is that EVERY city is going to feel like that.