
Yikes about that Jezebel article. I don't think "disconcerting" is a strong enough word, but it's definitely gross. And I agree, white feminists in particular are very strong with the selective use of shits-to-give. They care when it's entertaining to them or at least convenient.

One of my closest friends was a huge, huge Lady Gaga fan.
She's also a major emetophobe. (It'll be relevant in a minute.) So much so that I have to pre-screen films for her to warn her if anyone's gonna lose their lunch.

It's a delicate thing, man. You gotta be delicate about this stuff. Sometimes people will get the point, but if it seems like you're not being sensitive enough to certain aspects your buns are gonna be in that oven. ;)

This is a really important point to make, and you managed to do it without being a dingus like several people scattered throughout this thread. Kudos.

Oh, look who's all high and mighty!
[puts on an affectation of a princely walk]

She plays for the other team now, though.
Wait, I'm getting my metaphors mixed up!

All of this. Also, I just this week read about (and saw pictures of) the padlocked, hidden room in his bedroom full of weird shit, including a shrine to then-child-aged Macaulay Culkin, so…….

That song has always been right up there with "If I Did It" for winning the "You Sure You Wanna Put That Out There?" award.

I just read below that he's covered Kelly's shenanigans (edit:) horrible criminal activity before? When you said "been on this kind of thing", I just thought you meant in general.

CHRIST. It has been that long.


No, fuckstick; I just don't have the year and a half it would take to explain to you how teenage girls' mind's work, how hindsight is 20/20, how armchair quarterbacking leads to fallacious assumptions and how bad guys don't fucking wear trenchcoats and fake handlebar mustaches. But you enjoy feeling all proud of

Yeah, I'm… leaving you to MLA, because I don't even know where to start with you.

You made me second-guess myself, but I did indeed spend the previous day camped out in front of VH1 with the BFF watching his music videos, so I think my brain was just in the zone.

Fyre Festival must have done wonders for his 2017 jokes!

I wouldn't check the comments section over there. Fewer defenders, but still so many. Hope this washcloth isn't too damp. :/

Oh, here we fucking go.

Sorry — felt like you were taking away from my comment that I thought the author was trying to hurt the culture and when people skim, they can get lazy and infer meaning from stuff like that. :) I hope DeRogatis keeps on the story.

I think I read an article about how a lot of channels were leaving them up until people complained enough. Whatever option gives them the most money is the one they'll take, re: Cosby syndication.