
I wasn't talking about the author, obviously. Great on him for covering it. I was talking about the people defending him in the comment section over there.

TL;DR: many people don't care enough about young women of color

Dial it back like, three, four years. (Sad face)

I'm in for $3.50 and a couple of loose buttons!

:( I miss Aaliyah.

Yeah, it wouldn't be the way to go: punitive to a pointless degree. No one naive enough to fall for joining a cult would ever know/care about a law, and being punished afterward wouldn't help anybody. I guess that's why this is still a tricky legal area?

In my late teens I had a crush on Billy Idol (old Billy Idol, this was like 1999) and I dreamed he was my bodyguard. He was dragging me by the hand through abandoned buildings while bad guys shot at us. I was wearing his leather jacket and a big, poofy pink chiffon skirt.

Silly Grim Reaper. Vengeance demons don't have wings. They teleport!

That's when I threw her albums out and stopped listening. True, I had hit that age where I was about to do it anyway, but it was a good excuse.

It's just a situation where it doesn't really pay, socially speaking, to be pedantic.

I don't wanna dogpile on you, but you're missing the point that most people who participate in victim blaming miss, which is that agents of coercion don't just step out of the alley in a dark trenchcoat all "mwahahah"… you're assuming that these girls are at fault because they should have seen the big bad guy coming,

[shopping bag] [warning sign] [big X] [cross] [book]
[USA flag] [USA flag] [USA flag]

Or, seriously, I'm not really joking when I say SVU has made a brand out of pointing out how this kind of shit makes putting a creep in jail very difficult. Even a layman should get this shit by now!

Someone hasn't watched enough SVU

I think that was the joke

The most satisfying thing about the manosphere losing its shit over this reveal is how many of them have called the Doctor "Dr. Who" in their angry tweets about how they "won't be watching anymore".

"The Rings of Akhaten", then "Blink" and then "The Rings of Akhaten" two more times in a row, skipping around as needed to replenish tissues for my eyeballs.


We have such sights to show you.

As a Texan… y'all RUDE.