
You get that I considered that, right? However, given the choice of appearing too credulous to a bunch of fucking strangers or potentially leaving a person to sit alone while they watch the world laugh and cheer about a situation they know to be terrible, I'm opting for the former.

I didn't even know that was a thing until I was in my 20s, damnit!

If you're legit, I want you to know I'm sorry. These joyful comments must be really hard to read.

Well…. this is compellingly curious.

I hear what you're trying to say, here, but… these things don't happen in a vacuum (or shouldn't, though the internet outrage machine sure likes to pretend they do), right? Precedent, intention, and personality are all factors.

So brave.

Look, as a flaming pile of partially digested fetuses, I couldn't speak to point out how offended your comparison made me! But thanks for rubbing it in. God. So inconsiderate.

ohhhhh my god HAHAHAH

We both obviously kinda did, til this article pulled the blanket off. Bad A.V. Club! You put that blanket back right this instant!

Those McElboys make me a better person every day.

Yes to all of this.

I have to go to the settings page on Disqus to get to the list of blocked folks. I don't wanna say the people on your list may be permanently persona non grata, but they better start learning Latin. Or something.

There is no way that is not a thing. If it is not, I will fight someone.

This is why certain comments from certain hypersensitive people here (the kind you block, then unblock, then see a week later and re-block because you remember why you blocked them in the first place) drive me fucking nuts today.

That there were mods allowing you to end her speaks volumes on her likability. I… may have downloaded one.

I played Loom so many times throughout my childhood that I was constantly having to figure out how to start a new game, as I carried the manual around with me everywhere (the art was wonderful) and eventually lost the little red glasses that helped you see the coded glyphs in the front. Had to start guessing after a

LOL @ that prude whining about Celine showing off less than a swimsuit would in a similar photo… fuck off with that "role model" shit, Suzanne

[contempt-worthy jury joke placeholder]

Nice username/comment synergy! :D

I think people only have so much attention span and energy they want to dedicate to making decisions about how they feel about shit, so the easiest to understand — you know, whoever best appeals to people's existing fears or feelings — get the most support. Because people are fucking lazy.