Superbad Zombie

Somebody definitely got laid tonight.

The Silent Hill series. Mainly SH2, SH3, SH The Room, and Origins. Homecoming wasn’t bad either but Team Silent had it going on!


Lost & Damned and Gay Tony were superior stand outs imo from the GTA:IV series. I thought Niko was a pretty good character, although pretty shallow and unrelatable. I do consider it a dark, borderline satirical noir styled game that is certainly worth a play through, but the high point in GTA has always been Vice City

They must be related to Valve

Good to know we can all rest easy. The great debate of our generation has been settled! He was only making fun of the STANDARD mentally handicapped person, not the gentleman in question. That makes it SO much better.

Bounty Hunt replaced Attrition, I don’t know how many times I need to say it.

The Division was fun for a few months, but that’s about it. If you can complete basically all the content they have to offer in 3 weeks, something is seriously wrong. I mean I was able to complete the campaign, level to 65 in the DZ, and complete the raid on Challenging all under a month. I hope we see some major

Woohoo same here! Its a very merry ungrey day to you (and me)

These are hysterical! Although I wish folks would grow the hell up...

I suppose it is possible they can add it after all the alpha backlash, but the plan was to replace Attrition with Bounty Hunter.

You must not follow game news much, it was announced a while ago. Also, google is your friend.

It was announced a while ago.

They got rid of basically the only game mode I play, Attrition. I cannot even begin to tell you how disappointed I am, that they would dispose of the most popular game mode in TF and not even blink an eye.... Not cool

I doubt that would happen, Microsoft isn’t fucking around with that Scorpio man. I think it is going to be the apex predator of the console wars. Its going to be a near-computer worthy experience especially with 6teraflops under the hood! I own both consoles and a gaming laptop, and I plan on grabbing both Scorpio and

Get the Elite controller, it is hands down the best in the market.

Atari: Pacman, Pitfall, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong