Superbad Zombie

He does have Crohn’s disease, which makes me feel really bad that he is getting all this negative press... I just saw it on my facebook news timeline and people are being awfully rude. This dude is a hero as far as I’m concerned!


Reshoots for the Great Wall.

Please no LOL. I need a new Silent Hill game every 3 years (about 15 total) to cover the remainder of my time here on Earth :D


Call of the Dead was stellar! Moon, Ascension, Die Rise, and Origins are my all time faves though...

God I am pissed about no Extinction mode!!! I still play it from time to time... Either that or I boot up Blops1 Zombies on backwards compatibility. At least until Blops2 gets added to the fray, then it is on like Donkey Kong!

Zombies is one of my favorite games of all time. With that being said, I think Blops 3 Zombies as a whole was super disappointing. It was the first time I really saw Treyarch lose sight of their vision. They forgot how to make Zombies fun!

Nope, try again

Well that just pissed me off.

Do you even lift?

Not gonna lie I think they are both crazy. Just my opinion of course

As someone who has never played a single Pokèmon game, including Pokèmon GO, I am enjoying Uranium! I took a chance on it and it is a super well done little project. Kudos to the Uranium team for all their blood, sweat, and tears. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the creators end up working for Niantic some day!

As far as Ghostbusters the original is concerned, I think it stands the test of time because of its authenticity, tone, script, music, and acting. Is the cgi perfect? Absolutely not... But I do think the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and some of the other nonCGI effects do hold up rather well..

Oh of course, I had high hopes for the film. Plus I went to support my cousin who is an actress in the movie as well... I think they had the right idea with the film, I just personally feel the cgi cheapened the quality. I think in 10 years it may look even worse to us now imo.

That’ll show’em!

I am glad you enjoyed it but I for one, did not. Saw it opening weekend and thought it was absolutely painful to watch. The cgi was possible the worst I’ve ever seen in a AAA tentpole film. Plus Kate McKinnons awkward stares into the abyss and the ridiculous dance number at the end sealed the deal. It’s a shitty movie

Spielberg called... He said he wants you for the lead in his new film called “The Edge Lords” - I don’t see a resemblance, however.

Good luck to you! Spanks for the mammories :)