Superbad Zombie

You are missing out. Seriously, any reservations I had disappeared in the first 5 minutes.

Its absolutely amazeballs... Any reservations I had from the beta were squashed the second I started playing. Doom is back!!!!

I love everything about the new Doom. But you are not alone in your assessment. I still think the glory kills are part of an necessary ecosystem, plus there are more animations then people think.

Is this even an article? I mean, I’m all for some Bernie Bro blasting as much as the next guy, but wtf is this? Some people haven’t even voted yet!

Is ‘high-crime area’ a bad word now? Much sensitive.

Are you still shilling by the hour now? Or did you finally make salary.

Bernie is by far the most honest man for the job, but vultures will do anything for a meal these days. This is coming from an independent voter who is still unsure of whom I will be pledging for. Just cannot wait for this reality show to be over.

Probably satire.

How much you want to bet that the Tomato Troll is a burner account made by a prominent kinja blogger? From what I have seen, I’m willing to go all in.

I had a friend with a similar issue, but he used to use glitches literally non-stop. Use to annoy the shite out of me.

The upscaling to 1080/60fps of Blops is amazing. Played Zombies and the multiplayer, and its still better than Advanced Warfare & Ghosts. Assassins Creed 2 works flawlessly, among all the others. Troll: detected.

Most scripts are leaked online before release. The reason it was such a big deal was because it happened to Mr. Tarantino!

N3DS? Really?!

How does that apply to the nerdy bullies who watch twitch?

Red Sox fan since 1984 actually. Its a great book by the way, you should try reading sometime.

Must suck to fail so much at life. For the second time, I live in New England lol... My team is the Boston Red Sox. I came here to watch the fight just like everyone else. Try not to blow off your therapy appointment next week, seems you could really use some validation!

Aw poor fella. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride?

New England, actually. Forget to take your medication today? You seem mad.

Why you mad though