Superbad Zombie

I challenge you to a duel, good sir!

Everybody’s a critic!

God no. Borderlands has already milked that song dry along with dozens of other movies and other properties. Let it die.

Real gamers have both. I hate paying twice for games I already own, xb1 solves that issue with BC. PS4 scratches my survival horror itch, even hough its loud as hell, and has its own set of issues.

After drinking nothing but Heady Topper for the past few years, I doubt I will be having Budweiser anytime in the near future!

It does look a bit like Marathon now doesn’t it? Too bad Bungie is a garbage company now... For shame

This ^

After playing nearly every single closed technical test, alpha, and beat available to me this entire generation, Overwatch may just be the pick of the litter. This is one of the most polished, balanced, absolutely fantastic betas I have ever played! I am having a blast. Blizzard knows whats up for sure. And

Definitely going to miss your writing Evan! Even though you may not see this because I am perpetually gray lol, I wish you nothing but the best in your new endeavors. Congrats!

Prepare to be kinja’d

I think TMZ has a similar feature.

If you read the article it clearly states that the doxxed info was false.

IMO they took all the best ideas from Defiance, except for the atv’s of course. Because that would just be silly ;)

Are you the photoshop police or something? Narc...

Your example was a poor one, and you are more then welcome to stand behind it... Only problem is you dated yourself! #Millenial

Backpedal, backpedal, backpedal

They Might Be Giants!

