Irrelephant may just be my favorite new word!
Irrelephant may just be my favorite new word!
Ain’t that the truth!
Emma Stone seems like a risky choice for me personally, but yeah A1 list you got there.
(by the way, Winslet was one of only four acting nominees not present today).
Shut up Kanye.
This news makes me feel old! Thanks for the memories GT
I can dig it.
What does a guy have to do to get out of the greys? Yet this guy can leave a shill up for hours upon end. Don’t you go dyin’ on me kotaku!
Stop multi posting with different burners. We get it, you PS4.
Except they did advertise tho. Not sure where you were when it released but at that point it was common knowledge SP/DLC was coming soon.
Thats true, and above all the quality of the game is fantastic. Its not like they didn’t pour their heart and soul into GTA5 because the blood, sweat and tears are visible. I just can’t believe they didn’t choose from the fuck all multitude of top notch video game characters and make some single player dlc!
I would post a conclusive link but the matters been handled. If you weren’t aware that Rockstar announced single player dlc then you’re lucky. Ignorance is bliss as they say! Plus it saves you the disappointment.
I have noticed slight gameplay differences also. They down you on the 5th hit and the zombies seem to run quicker compared to the older games. Also I didn’t realize how much progression changed my zombies experience. Now I am just rushing to reach 10th prestige (few more levels to go) instead of working on personal…
You like these pictures more than Blops3 Zombies tho?
Can’t wait!
Hot Coffee?
I usually just ran around the golden gate bridge for 50 some odd rounds lol
You said heists was fun with friends. So are Destiny Raids with friends but that doesn’t mean its a masterpiece. All games would be fun by that angle so your point is moot. I think YOU misunderstood my response.