Superbad Zombie

You’re absolutely right. God forbid a company stands behind its word instead of just dropping projects because they are too busy swimming in gold next to Scrooge McDuck. Fuck dlc who needs it right? Lets just rejoice in the fact we have been raped by another developer who gave up on these promises a long time ago.

I think you’re being a bit generous to Take Two right now. They made a good game but its far from a masterpiece. Their shift to GTA Online only is a huge mistake and one that will linger in peoples mouth for a very long time. This is the type of shameful practice that sold you The Taken King as dlc instead of included

And thats just it. A lot of the aforementioned slights towards Hilary on that list were “playing it safe”. No one could have predicted the civil liberties revolution that took place within the past few years.

I know I like BigAng also. Mob Wives is a guilty on demand pleasure and I hope she gets a good doctor to get rid of these tumors! As a cancer survivor myself, I wish her well...

I laughed so hard at this. Reminds of the kid in the wheelchair in Rumble in The Bronx. Playing a game gear with no game in the slot and its clearly turned off.

Happens to the best of us!

Looks like one of the easter eggs from Mob of the Dead. In order to get the Hells Retriever, you have to kill zombies next to a wolf symbol spray painted on the wall - which becomes animated into a large ominous wolves head similar to this. Interesting! Cannot wait to get my hands on this map

Pure speculation at this point that the formaldehyde levels in eliquid are toxic.

I’m noticing a stretch goal pattern in your commenting lately.

Formaldehyde is in almost anything so you need a better example.


So based on your link, still no solid testing done on humans in America? Got it.

Vegetable glycerine is more the industry standard with premium eliquids.

Eliquid contains nicotine, purified water, and vegetable glycerine. If by toxic you mean nicotine then thats a pretty shitty argument.

Stop spreading misinformation.

Considering Stevens case was hinged upong Brendans testimony, I would say if one is innocent so is the other. The sad thing is Brendan clearly has untreated psychiatric issues that need to be dealt with. The DA manipulated a socially inept young teen to fit into his narrative, they should be ashamed!

I just really hope they use some of the music from WC2 because it is nothing short of a sonic masterpiece. From the trailer, I heard no sign of such music, I was hoping to hear a bigger, glorified version of the classic soundtrack but it was basic trailer tunes. Fingers crossed

This list should have been much bigger