Superbad Zombie

The Dragon Age game that we got is no doubt a very beautiful, well made RPG. Unfortunately it basically consists of fetch quests. The main campaign albeit short, was decent enough to keep my attention but I couldn't help thinking of the game this could have been! How epic of an idea was the War Room? Imagine this game

You can do a lot of power leveling at night. For instance, going to heavily populated zombie areas and throwing molotov's - especially with the right perks you can use that to your advantage! Also venturing around a safe house, killing volatiles and running back to your house will net you some XP as well for escaping

That came to my mind first upon reading as well. I HOPE this feat was accomplished on HM as that would be a technical achievement!

While not my intention, I was merely stating the obvious.

I have been saying this for YEARS. Warcraft 2 & 3 would make amazing ports for tablets!

This. I have many molotov's readily made for these situations!

Some people enjoy playing the game progressively instead of googling where guns spawn.

If I remember correctly, they did patch this exploit in Dead Island because I remember people having to shoot the weapon on the ground to pick up duped multiples.

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places was my favorite LSL! Such an epic game I most certainly should not have been allowed to play. Police Quest, Space Quest, Kings Quest were all amazing games also..

This. Normally I turn around and avoid him to start the cut scene showing Barry shooting the zombie!

Black Ops Zombies is a masterpiece in arcade style gaming. Exo Zombies in no way shape or form comes close to Kino, Moon, Ascension or Call of the Dead. The rumor has it that this years Treyarch produced Call of Duty will be World At War 2 and not Black Ops 3 which could mean huge changes for Zombies as we know it!

Ahhh Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was the

We live in a world where the word masterpiece is thrown around a lot. Skyrim is a bonafide masterpiece that deserves praise! Having completed Dragon Age:Inquisition, I see it nothing more then a time sink. Fetch this shard, connect the dots, blah blah.. The music was decent but Skyrim had the BEST music I have ever

I hope he gets mauled.

Couldn't agree more! The doors add to the aesthetic, you won't find this mod on my system.. While they are at it why don't they remove flashlights from Silent Hill?! By the way, I hope they REmake Resident Evil 2 next..

I have to vent these frustrations!! Firstly, I loved GTA:V from release date on Xbox360, played it for countless hours and reached level 110 on GTA Online. From the start of the re-release on next gen I have had nothing but PROBLEMS. This is a broken game! I have an expensive apartment I still cannot drive or walk

I love how the game ended in explosions, philisophical banter, RPGs and the ol' sand in the eyes trick!

What, no Injustice?? Lame...

Imagine if they turned Hearthstone into a board/card game showing the games mini-battles implementing this technology! That would be pretty epic..

Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams is by far my favorite video game of all-time! With that being said, I am THRILLED that fans have taken the reigns to continue the brilliance of this beloved series. I have my own passion projects which will most likely never see the light of day but stories like these make my path to