Superbad Zombie

Tom Brady never does the same high-five twice! C'mon bros' get with the program..

No need to overshadow this kids legacy with witty quips... Its very thoughtful they did this, as a cancer survivor myself I wish him good luck.

Noo of course not! Potato guns, elastic balls, and slingshots only

Just a recommendation, if your a classic games fan like me - check out the movie "Ecstacy of Order". Its basically King of the Kong for Tetris basically explaining the different games and introducing you to the best players in the world. Its quite fascinating!

I think a Frat House sequel to Bully would be just amazing! A peak into the lives of prep school sports, rituals, and parties would be so epic. I'm not holding my breath for Bully2 or Red Dead3 but there's always GTAO: Heists - oh wait..

I am fairly new to the Dragon Age franchise and with that being said, I was a huge Skyrim fan sinking 300+ hours across 2 characters. I am finding this to be one of the most well written scripts of a video game i have ever seen. Unfortunately this feeling of the cut scenes wasting my time still haunts me. I usually

In defense, Destiny was the most searched video game term so I completely understand why Kokatu continues reporting on it. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with Destiny and I truly chose to vote with my wallet by not purchasing the DLC 'Expasion' (lol). I more then likely will at some discounted price but no

She does amazing voice over work in Her as well, but that doesn't mean I want her to play Akira! Ghost in the Shell, Akira, and Vampire Hunter D all deserve a live-action modern release I was just hoping for a little less Western influence.. Pardon the pun!

I enjoyed the hell out of Rage! Loved the Nightmare mode on that game.. On another note, YES to all but vampires lol..

See, this my gripe. Why not release these to mobile platforms? I am all about conserving video game history and keeping my original game systems and cartridges but wheres the evolution? This could potentially change the way we play our classic NES/SNES games. We wouldn't need to download emulators and roms, ect. I

I would have thrown Evil Within on that list as well. Honestly, i know its a flawed masterpiece but to me its a survival horror tour de force! I was completely blown away by the puzzles. Every bullet truly counts in that game, especially on the harder difficulties. It also had so many well thought out monsters and

I love how some dude can get 30 of his posts (which are full of fraudulent lies) approved and I am still pending for 1 comment. Awesome.

Hah.. This is great. You can see the anguish on her face like she knows her boyfriend is watching at home or what not! Amazing.

I sold a Pog Slammer for $4.50 once.. (cries self to sleep)

What, no Leisure Suit Larry reboot? At least another Softporn Adventure game:)

Isn't that bizarre? I mean logically we could trace these customs back to Arcadian times. Where crowds would form to watch 2 players fight to the death on Mortal Kombat 2 or to see someone attempt to reach level 256 on Pac-Man and hit the Kill Screen. My younger cousins would rather watch me play a game through Twitch

The exotic tweaks I'm looking forward to, but I feel iffy about the structural changes being made here. So now instead of patrolling for resources I am doing boring ass strike missions for vangaurd marks to buy resources? Seems like just another boring conundrum for this broken game... Wish it could keep my attention

The Atheon fight on Hard Mode is so broken its not even funny. Let alone players getting kicked with random ass error codes like MarionBerry or Weasel, like wtf? Nothing more frustrating then getting to the pinnacle of an epic boss battle and having 2 people sent through the portal instead of 3 concluding in a wipe.

This! I hated this level almost as much as the speeder level in Battletoads.

Black Ops is a perfect example as well with 2 complete and polished multiplayer offerings (Multiplayer & Co-Op Zombies) and a stellar campaign. Zombies alone is a 2 year undertaking for me lol