Superbad Zombie

Lol at this guy.. Some people argue for the sake of arguing.

This. Loved uploading games on my TI including that stupid penguin action adventure game!

Just looking at all these waypoints has made me so glad I chose to skip this years ACU. Wowzers!

Honestly, compared to all of the negative press GTA Online has received lately this is sort of refreshing. It's also perfect timing considering Halloween!

Leisure Suit Larry & Blood. The latter seems more relevant because Shadow Warrior was recently released, however an explicitly adulterous version of LSL with command prompts would be epic!

I was completely sold on the article when I lol'd on JLaw's pikachu... Too funny considering her blossoming porn career.. Ha

Hatred looks like a Manhunt/Postal/S.W.A.T. hybrid... Looks grody, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in trying it!

Am I the only person who laughed at the beginning when he was limping like a boss? That limp was epic man.. He runs kinda funny too.. They could have just used the same controls as RE4 honestly - the running animations and limping 'situation' only takes me out of immersion. Love the game though, really scratched an

You didn't really use Peyton Manning as an example for excellence, did you?

First off, great interview! Secondly, I have completed Vault of Glass multiple times and yes it is most definitely the best part about Destiny. The endgame is nothing but a boring grind! It's nice to grab some randoms, talk strat, and execute Harpies at will. I also think that if 2 players can beat the VoG then some

No sympathy needed. There's no PC release coming.

Given the Raid Gear they've acquired and maxed out stats, exotics, ect. I would assume the raid would be somewhat easy to beat once you reach level 30. I think this will somewhat serve as a template for raid enthusiasts (like myself) to farm Vault of Glass weekly with the smallest team possible.

There must be a better way to switch to your defensive sub-class then going through the menu and getting mauled by 14 thralls on the dark side of the moon... Just sayin'

I reached a point like that myself recently after hitting level 28. I basically completed everything that is offered to us and it truly is the endgame that is stale. I enjoyed having campaign missions, patrol missions and strike missions to look forward to. Heck, even after I completed the Vault of Glass Raid, we

I agree this game has its elements, but MAN am I sorta pissed. Took me 13 hours to finish the Vault of Glass and after We killed Atheon the screen went black and bugged out. No weapon, no armor, nothing... It never returned me to a reward screen for a lottery pull at the RNG, i instead had to awkwardly cancel out to

Why the hostility? People are clearly tired of buying broken products! This game is without a doubt an empty shell of what could have been a legendary FPS... Maybe stop with the 1998 AOL Instant Messenger rhetoric and join in the discussion.

Lol what's the issue with Titanfall? Best FPS multiplayer experience since MW2?