
these replies are not it

A similar transaction occurred with at least one other woman, whom Greenberg paid using his government-issued credit card, the Beast reports—that is, with taxpayer dollars. Seminole County auditors reportedly found some $300,000 in suspicious payments on the card.

Yes to all this!

Imagine that instead of your brother and his wife letting your know that you would take care of your niece in the hopefully-never-to-occur circumstances that they could not, they privately chose to name no one instead of you in their will because his wife disliked a life choice you had made. For example, you have a

Why don’t you really read the letter? I’m not making assumptions. I’m restating the letter to you because you apparently skimmed it to cherry-pick keywords to argue against.

The craziest part is that girls and women are constantly bombarded with fat-phobic messaging every fucking day of their lives, so it’s entirely unnecessary to add to that even if you believe that bullshit.

I will never be surprised by the petty garbage that people will choose over the health and safety of those they should be caring for. I recently found out that my dad and step mom had a clause in their will that if they both died, that there was no way his sister could have custody of me and my brother. This stems

I often find fat shamers are men who can shovel whatever they want in their faces and somehow not gain weight (tall skinny folk for example)

As a fat gay man, I often daydream about if a genie were to grant me a wish, one would be that all mean fat-shamers, through the nuances experienced by all fat people through financial, metabolic, and other fat-causing reasons, to become fat and have to dig themselves out of it like me and other fat people.

Most of the time, parents need to approach differing opinions as a meeting of valid ideas to hash out an agreement. This is not one of those times. The writer’s husband is an asshole. There’s no middle ground here. It’s one thing to encourage your kid to live a healthy and active life. Teaching her that being

He just sounds so mean. Like really? You wouldn’t leave your kid in her care, just because she’s fat?? I fucking hate people like this. They can’t see beyond people’s weight.

I think marrying a fat-shamer is at odds with loving your fat family member!!!

My father is openly fat-phobic. All three of his daughters either have or had disordered eating or a full blown eating disorder. His fat-phobia wasn’t the only reason, but it did make clear the one thing I should learn to ‘control’ in order to have any worth.

We’ve talked about it so often in the comments that I’m surprised it took Jez staff this long to make a post about it.

So he does know the word ‘bipartisan’ after all! Good to know.

Or they have talked and mitch lies yet again

I can assure you she does not. She believes she made it by her own bootstraps. See also: Trump, Ivanka, et al.

I think we’ve all accepted that her stylist hates her. There are definitely rumors out there to that effect, but mainly it’s, you know, what we can see right there on television.

It makes total sense.

Raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, her husband, who declined a request to be interviewed, was taught by his family to doubt much of modern medicine, Garcia said.