
Can confirm that seeing it with an audience that was there to see it seriously and quietly is the worst theater experience imaginable, LOL. My husband got my mom wound up about going to see it over Christmas just to annoy me, and the three of us wound up seeing a matinee in a tiny midwestern theater. The only other

This was my most fun movie experience, too! We went to a midnight screening on opening night in the AMC in Times Square and it was packed with the rowdiest crowd I’ve ever seen, shouting, cheering, and hissing like snakes the whole time. Every few minutes you would hear a beer bottle roll down the aisle and crash into


It’s absolute word salad!

I support this urge completely LOL

I know, right?? It’s downright Freudian! Also I know it’s generally uncool to be the spelling police but... shouldn’t a U.S. Congressman know the difference between “son” and “sun”???

This is some real influencer shit- simultaneously performative and confusing!

I feel like I should point out the caption on this stupid Instagram photo (I’m not seeing it in the embedded photo; I had to click through to the post) because I read it and now I can’t stop thinking about it:

That’s the problem! I tried this with a roommate that just never, ever, ever cleaned. The dishes piled up for days and I finally gave up and washed them. If my roommate noticed, she sure didn’t care! Slobs can definitely hold out longer than tidy people can, unfortunately.

People love asking me follow-ups after that question- god, it’s so invasive! Casual coworkers, people from the neighborhood, fuck, even cab drivers! I just don’t get it! I’ve even had people say some version of, “Aren’t you worried you’ll be alone when you die?” I always try to not give any kind of reply because I

Totally! She’s at an immediate disadvantage, plus the fact that she’s American and unlikely to understand or agree to all the pointless custom and ceremony that surrounds the royal family at all times means she was probably set up for conflict from day one. The racist tabloids chose her to be the villain in the story

THIS. And frankly, it galls me to see the family hand-wringing over Meghan’s behavior (who may be a bully or may just be someone who doesn’t fit in well in this strange family, who knows?) when they’ve not yet made any kind of meaningful investigation into or statement about the allegations against Andrew. They’re

Eternity is a long time. There were plenty of miserable bigots writing angry columns, giving lectures, and otherwise spreading their bile 100 years ago, but no one remembers them. Rush will be forgotten in no time.

I agree. And to add to the messiness, he’s only 20- most of us were doing pretty dumb shit at 20, but we hadn’t been thrust into the spotlight for activist work that should have been done by the grownups in the room decades earlier.

That’s true, but Georgia-14 is R+27 so I don’t think there’s a scenario where even Stacy Abrams could swing that vote.

I’m so sorry the comments are so shitty. Folks in Arkansas deserve better leadership than this.

I was an assistant department head in a very high-pressure entertainment job. The gig I was on was super intense, and my boss didn’t have time to call references for someone he hired. She made a good first impression and seemed like a go-getter, but after a few weeks, she started to slip. She was showing up late to

What the FUCK?!??!?! I can’t imagine having the presence of mind to endure that calmly. What a nightmare!

That’s a great point.

You’re totally right that it’s a complete lack of empathy. That’s not how these people would react to other things- if 1% of planes went down, the “99% survival rate” folks wouldn’t be booking flights to Disneyland! They just don’t believe covid will hurt *them*, so they don’t want to be inconvenienced. Truly heinous