
God this pissed me off so much. I hate all of them, but this hits so close to home and is so personal. I would be shaking with rage in my office if someone did that to me and could not imagine having to work in those conditions. It’s totally unacceptable and the fact that it’s apparently NOT unacceptable to people is

This is honestly the future of the Republican party. These are the people “The Base” gets energized for.

Jan. 6 was a statement. The far right is taking over and there’s no place for the moderates anymore. That was literally said. Trump Jr. said it was Trump’s party now. “The Base” said the same thing with actions and

She doesn’t worry about appearing unprofessional, brash, uncouth, or unqualified as she shouts at her colleagues and perpetuates easily debunked conspiracy theories.”

LOL! The last time I had anything (legal) like that was years and years ago. My dad took me and afterwards, unbeknownst to me at the time, he stopped at an Ace Hardware, told me to stay in the car and, when I came to, told me that I had hunted him down in the store, chased him back to the car and hit him over the head

And it always has to be a well-known person or deity. Just once I would like to see these reborn being cult leaders claim to be some sweet simple-housewife from 1904 who had an honest but unremarkable life. 

Claiming to be Fred Trump in a “previous life" when they were definitely both alive at the same time is a bold move.

I was brought up in a fairly strict Catholic household. Unwanted and/or inappropriate physical contact was drilled into me as never, ever being acceptable and to always say no if I was uncomfortable. When weird distant relative once visited and demanded I give him a kiss, I shook my head no as a 5 year old, when weird

The whole “It was just over the clothes! And a couple incidents under the clothes but what’s the big deal?” made me ill. And of course at the same time the girls are being told that somehow they led their own brother “into sin” by existing and being female.

If only we were all entitled to the forgiveness and patience afforded to Christian white males


Blair Witch Project.

Snakes on a Plane. I will not elaborate. 

This is going to sound strange, but... Mean Girls. I used to work at a newspaper, and sometimes my editor would give me the freebie screener tickets we would get for the films she wasn’t interested in reviewing. My husband I and went to the screener for Mean Girls; we were two 30-somethings thinking this would be yet a

I was about to write a longer response but you already said everything that needed to be said...

Counter-counterpoint: no

Man fuck everything about this story. Grown, actually adult men from the party that rails against sex work, blocks welfare safety nets for teenagers, free tuition, student loan forgiveness, axes housing for displaced youth etc; battered “tuition” for sex with a 17-18 year old girl. Yet she’s the one who endangered

Long Boi, you do you. An Emperor Penguin circle would envelope you and love you just the way you are.

Duck shaming?  Are we now duck shaming?  Can we not accept all ducks as they are?  Long Boi is the best Long Boi he can be, and I won’t have him insulted.

Well this seems rife for an ADA complaint.

I’m not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, yes.