
So they stopped to respect the anthem but then asked someone to snap a picture so they could post it? Yeah... seems about right

That whole “speaking as a man, it’s kind of scary” response to the #MeToo movement should have been a huge red flag.

There are all sorts of different, unconventional familial relationships, and I’m not one to police them, nor one to tell people how they can or cannot define their relationships. But, since Matt Gaetz only revealed this adult, Nestor, as his son as a shield in an argument about whether Gaetz, a white man, and other

She’s also accused Kumail of being awful and kinda implied something about Starr. I wish people wouldn’t speak in code so much.

He looks like British royalty.

And this is why guys who get all squirmy and scared whenever the topic of #MeToo comes up should always be suspect.

That could be his perpetual campaigning slogan. Wouldn’t stop the lumpen from voting for him, anyway.

I think the only appropriate response to anything related to Gaetz at this point amounts to, “What the actual fuck is this stupid shit???”

I was talking to the white mansplaining jackass I work with about the Atlanta shootings, the whole “bad day” thing, and even after pointing out the FB post with the racist stuff about the virus, he said “I don’t think he’s racist, nor are cops racist as a group”.

Do we know if he was telling the truth about the Black wife?

The sloppy uncaring aspect is especially grotesque. Assholes like this are basically saying I don’t have to come up with any kind of good, consistent story. Because he’s BLACK. 

Soooo...does he actually have a Black wife? Not that it would exonerate him whatsoever if he did, it would just be so rich if that was a blatant lie he tells to justify his racism.

in his 35 years on the force no one else has described him as racist.

Fuck the police

I think the wildest possible story with Prince would be evidence he was actually bad at something.

Even in the vile, sensory- and morally-assaulting, humorless void that has been 2020-2021, “Game. Blouses.” will never not be funny.

And, as a “real survivor” who was often told to shut the fuck up by my abuser and authority figures (I was a minor) the first time and then didn’t report subsequent abuse because of it, this rhetoric just stands to make none of us report it.

The know EXACTLY what they are doing. The gaslighting is never-ending.

Apparently celebrities and rich people can never be guilty of a crime because the victim is always looking for attention and a payday. Another way that being rich absolves the wealthy celebrities of being humans.

What my grandmother said was true:  thinking ugly thoughts will make you ugly.

They thought it was unfair that the bill praised the Capitol police without also praising the insurrectionists. Next on their agenda is ensuring that everyone who participated in the insurrection gets a statue, a medal, and a participation trophy.