
Exactly. If high school was the best time in your life, you’re doing adulthood wrong.

I’m super happy for him. Everyone deserves to be comfortable in their own skin, and be allowed to be version of themselves that makes them the happiest.

I was contact once by the FBI. I was surprised, and even more surprised to hear they wanted to interview me about a former roommate I’d had about 3 years earlier. I hadn’t had contact with him in any of that time, either. But I guess I was on some form somewhere as having lived with him and so here I was in a Peet’s

Thank you. He’s always been a huge self-serving asshole with no political or moral compass. His record alone should have given everyone pause. But centrist liberals fawned over him (and forced that embarrassing “Cuomosexual” meme) because he came out with a few snappy anti-Trump quips that they could giggle over

Don’t focus on Boris Johnson too much as he notoriously just does what people tell him, the real voice behind all this is that of Poundland fascist and former tobacco lobbyist Priti Patel. Only in the debate last night she agreed with nonsense from another Tory MP claiming the vigils had been “hijacked by extremists”

I’ve never seen anyone addicted to anything as much as powerful people are addicted to the police. They just can’t get enough police, no matter how much the police fuck up. I mean, Bernie Sanders of all people, BERNIE SANDERS, wants to give police more money! I have no idea what makes so many people think giving more

*beats head repeatedly off desk, causing the cat to question the logic of keeping me alive*

Cuomo initially diminished the importance of the pandemic and mocked de Blasio for taking it seriously (which everyone seemed to immediately forget); that is when he lost me permanently. And then when it became clear that the situation was dire, he turned 180 degrees and positioned himself as the savior in the midst

Of course if you’re in the doubly harassed group of black women you can even expect to be interrogated as being “suspicious looking” entering your own apartment. Just ask Amanda Gorman.

thanks for this — you’ve touched on something that generally goes unsaid in “the dialogue” about Black Lives Matter, and movements like it — it’s not really configured to support giving people defined leadership roles. nobody can speak for everybody who has a stake in the fight. and yet within that larger fight,

He is a dynasty governor that was elected mainly because of how beloved his father is in NY and the tri-state area. Likewise he is only a Democrat because his father was a Democrat and he knew he wouldn’t win as a Republican. He even helped set up an “independent democratic” caucus in the NY state legislature made up

He’s accused of groping at least one woman, under her skirt. The one at the wedding also included an unwanted kiss.

Most people who have been following Cuomo for his whole career don’t find this suspicious. He has always been a creepy jackass — he is just a less smooth Bill Clinton. 

Those articles on Jezebel about wanting to fuck Cuomo during the pandemic because he actedd authoritative in press conferences sure look even dumber and ill advised now.

Anyone that has been following New York politics of the last 20 years are not surprised by any of this. Remember, Cuomo was the person in his father’s campaign when he was running against Mayor Koch who came up with the campaign slogan “Vote for the Cuomo and Not the Homo!” That was his first major achievement in

Yep...he had to drag out “cancel culture”. Fuck you, Cuomo.

Who died and made you Gwyneth Paltrow?

Rocks and minerals and crystals are excellent ways to appreciate the glory of nature and the earth and geological processes and all that. But they do not have magical properties.

Didn’t Melania Trump have her own bedroom? This guy makes me see red.

You literally mentioned your politics in the first sentence of your post, but the fact that you’re defending a far-right grifter like Ngo is enough to know that your claim of being a “centrist” is just as disingenuous as Ngo’s.