
I didn’t have my father growing up but I had my best friend’s dad who treated me like a son, and whom I loved very much. He hid the fact that he was cutting his pills in half to make them last longer. He ended up passing away from a stroke that was probably preventable, if it wasn’t for our fucked up medical system.

Its the implied message of the American Work Ethic: “Work really hard and you’ll have a chance to taste what was handed to me on a silver platter.”

This story reminds me of when GWB met a woman who had three jobs and was struggling.

re: Meghan as a bully, I suspect (and other commenters have remarked) that it’s possible (likely?) Meghan was just being a black woman who wasn’t afraid to be frank about what she wanted, what she didn’t want, and who was/was not meeting expectations.

This what the Republicans have come to? Defending a species that, depending on their flavor of Christianity,  they might not believe actually existed? 

I am definitely of the camp that this progression started the minute they made Harry march through London behind his mother’s casket. The palace can reap what they sowed. Harry was out no matter what, and they are extra spectacularly mad that the person that pushed it over the edge is an American woman with a mixed

This is always the part the confuses me when folks try and explain those types of relationships. Like - what do you talk about? How do you combine friend groups for parties or events? One of you is talking about career advancement and the other is looking to retire or is already.

One thing I used to wonder about is what guys who got girls drunk or roofied them got out of the experience in a purely physical way—if your partner is literally passed out, they can’t be participating in any meaningful way.

It would be an interesting exercise to measure and quantifiably compare the number of words the Times and other British rags have devoted to Meghan and how much devoted to Prince Andrew, who raped child slaves.

As if Meghan requested to wear the those special earrings “You know, the ones that the saudi murderer gifted us”.

THIS: “It is also important to note the very long history of white people seeing just about any criticism from Black women as aggressive or “bullying.”” It is why I have a hard time taking it the bullying criticism seriously. Creating a hostile work environment is not okay but there is a big difference from creating a

I have a duty to my parents too, but I don't expense my dad's diabetic strips to my small purchase account at work, you know?

In Baldwin’s defense, he’s removed one asshole from Twitter now.

Yes, it is currently harder to be a poor person in America, that’s true. The point of the sentence I wrote there was not to assert otherwise.

We wanted children, but were never successful. Over the years when people asked if we have children and I saidno”, it was so often followed by how children are one of life’s greatest joys, or “you should do it”. Now that I’m turning 40, I’m coming to the sobering realization that some people still don’t just stop at

It’s almost like wage stagnation (for people working low/minimum wage) for 40 years and inflation has less of an effect on rich people. Weird!

There is also the whole “the planet is fucked” thing that makes creating a human you’ll love more than anything and leaving him this crapass planet filled to the brim with crapass people he’s gonna have to deal with for close to a century not a really appealing thought...

I’m in France, so massive social and medical

I love every baby I have ever met and want to meet more. I also really worry about friends who are planning on having kids because it’s an opportunity to “really care about someone other than yourself.” Like, if you don’t do that pre-kid, I’m not sure you should be charge of raising a human. Also, makes me rethink the

. . . it is highly unlikely that the urge to procreate has been stimied by progress alone, leading one expert to label declining birth rates a “barometer of despair.”

Also a fun time to remind everyone that we’ve never actually seen a generation retire with the 401k system rather than pensions, and the general assumption is that it’s going to go terribly.