
I couldn’t care less that he has a podcast, I’m sure there’s an audience for him. He’s clearly an intelligent guy, although not so good with the behaving appropriately around women thing. I’d like to turn your question around and say what is the end goal of redemption? If it’s for the person to become a better person,

It’s just another way to infantilize women. It’s one thing if you’re both touching each other’s faces, but a man doing it on film, to me, is just framing the woman’s face with his hands like it’s a porcelain doll or a baby. How cute and dainty and fragile! 

The issue is not that a path to redemption doesn’t exist, it’s that far too many people want instant redemption and/or redemption WITHOUT atonement or any consequences beyond issuing a boilerplate PR statement. Not one person stops to ask Leeann Tweeden or the numerous other women who alleged that Franken harassed

Would also make a sizeable wager he’s never gotten a blowjob from a black woman.

Medal? Did you not see coverage of CPAC? They’re giving out giant gold statues now. (I find it odd that the traditional Bible-thumpers would worship at and take selfies with a golden idol, but I guess it’s not surprising to think that they’d gladly ignore portions of their favorite book with which they disagree.)

To give you a sense of how big a prick he was, he managed to get 150 people (out of about 300 students total) to sign a complaint about his behavior. And he was only in school ONE semester.

As the GOP base has demonstrated, all you need to do is be white, and repugnant to liberals.

Yep. His supporters don’t give a fuck; if anything his rapey behavior towards women is a bonus feature.

Yeah, I always saw Tanden’s nomination a mock one so Biden could point and say “See, not all my nominees made it” while having her roasted in a public setting for her work with Hilary in the 2008 primaries. The rumor that birthed, erm, Obama-birtherism isn’t a particularly kind one either.

Except the Democrats’ “seeming inability to govern” is a Republican talking point that lazy blog writers keep reinforcing. Democrats do an ok job of governing. When needed, they will try to come through. But they’re fighting against Republican obstruction and a Republican smear campaign that’s been decades in the

The optics of turning down Tanden (an extremely online person who has demonstrated poor judgement in the past) for the Office of Management and Budget, an incredibly wonky position are way different than turning down Haaland (who went with Native concerns over a pipeline that most people agree was bad news bears) and

This is disingenuous.

The “majority” is the thinnest it can possibly be, so much so that the VP is going to have to cast tie-breakers possibly more than any other VP in history.

And Manchin is basically a moderate Republican that wears a Democrat suit.

This has nothing to do with ability to govern, and everything to do

Oh please. Manchin is looking out for Manchin. He is doing what he is doing because it’s what gets him re-elected, not because he secretly is trying to help Republicans win.

I agree. It’s disingenuous to keep shitting on Dems for not leading when they inherited this mess and barely have a majority. Doesn’t mean I’m wild about Manchin (I’m definitely NOT!!) or that I think the Dems are hitting it out of the park, but come on! It’s so frustrating to keep reading and hearing this kind of

Oh, good. We’ve gone from letting an evil turtle from Kentucky run the entire country to a doofus from West Virginia run the entire country. (Apologies to all non-turtle Kentuckians and non-doofus West Virginians.)

You’re not wrong, but I also don’t see that as a reason to let it go. The more we just shrug every time someone in a position of power does something shitty, the faster this all devolves into an even worse version of what most people are already living. The fact that this is making news weirdly makes me hopeful - if

It’s sad that you’re so comfortable with being disrespected like this.

Anyone traveling internationally during a pandemic has questionable decision-making skills, not to mention morals. A politician who does so is a fool, hence why politicians around the world have been punished for it in the last year.

I dunno, AOC organized relief from New Yorkers for a couple million sent to Texas in the span of a few hours and its not her district or state.

Cruz is trash and an opportunist. Even if Texas wants to vote for Republicans there are better options.

You know, I spent that whole Gorilla Glue nightmare just waiting for the stories to end. This story is the opposite of that. Please keep writing about the shitty lives and choices of Ted and Heidi forever.