
The evil that men do lives after them,

This hits close to home. My FIL is a big Rush guy and my husband listened to a lot of it growing up. He’s still on speaking terms with his parents, but it’s a tough relationship, and their virulent, nasty, heartless conservatism is a big part of that. I would love to be angry at the Rushes of the world, and sometimes

My grandparents listened to him in the 90's when I was in middle school. My mother, in response, taped him on the radio and would replay clips from his shows when he would rail against “Feminazis” and teach me about misogyny, humanity, and liberalism. I learned how to be a good person off of Limbaugh’s back, and I’m

‘As a black conservative’

He is exaggerating the effects of death...It’s purely an act.

My earliest memory of him is when he repeatedly bullied Chelsea Clinton - who was 12 or 13 at the time - by referring to her as the White House dog. More than once. 

Just imagine how much better off the US would be if Rush died before Obama was elected...

In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:

No no no! He invoked the magical “lower taxes” card!

Hey it’s alright, mine’s a qanon lunatic who was caught saying nasty stuff on Parler but it’s okay, people liked him because he promised cheaper groceries...

Not sure that “will be” is the proper tense...

I mean, those 53% of Republicans who said they’d vote for him in 2024 were given a choice between him and, effectively, nobody. So nobody is already tracking well with three years to build a platform, stock a war chest, and cover a mere 4-point gap...

Disruption is basically trickle-down applied directly to the labor market with no attempt at an upside. At least with trickle down you would be an employee, now you're a nothing having no rights only responsibility.

Literally came down to write the same thing. "Believers in disruption" = little libertarian sociopaths who want the baseline for ethics to be "can I get away with this?"

Privileged white boys will be the doom of humanity.

Reabsorbing the Confederacy wasn’t a mistake... giving in to terrorists (first iteration of the Klan and the rest of the former confederates vying to eliminate black participation in society) and giving up on Reconstruction too soon was the mistake.

God, they’re like the Borgias, only way less charismatic and way more dumb.

Legit cannot fathom anyone who thought Trump did anything other than catastrophically exacerbate the covid 19 crisis. Like, even if you are a fucking scumbag and like that he was throwing kids in cages and the Muslim ban and the stupid fucking wall with Mexico and speeding up the ravages of climate change... how

I continue to read about a “great rift” in the Republican party, a “battle for the soul” of the Republican party, etc. I legit don’t know what these people are on about.