
I just think its strange that people are immediately distrustful of the black actor who speaks up and only feels there is something to be believed when a white woman shares her own story about the same person.

I feel horrible for her. It’s absolutely awful.

...and the knowledge that Whedon is an abusive piece of shit is not new news. Maybe people can actually believe it now a little more? I’m so tired of rehashing this with a lot of the same people and nothing seems to happen.

I’m having a very awkward response to this story, one I’m not sure how to respond to other than say: I think all sides are correct and valid in their feeling on this one. We don’t get to dictate to Hogg what he does with his life and it doesn’t seem like he’s directly baiting his survivor status for profit (other than

These folks are en fuego hoy!

Trying to apply what you feel was a good experience for you to other people is like saying “well, my parents got divorced when I was young, and I turned out OK, so it must not be a traumatic experience”.

The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.

I see Timberlake as noticeably more fuckboyage than average — Britney, Janet, Jessica Simpson (a minor anecdote about him kissing her and showing off about it, but still superdouchey), and, of course, his wife (all the cheating rumours). He is a Nice Guy who is anything but yet he coasts on that rep

For her to have some say who is in charge of her conservatorship at this point.  I also think you are pretty blithely ignoring the way media and the music industry treated women just because it all looks like it worked out in the end for her.

And calling healthcare, feeding children, sensible gun laws, etc. as a radical agenda, other than just basic human decency.

He was there to protect a business. Not other people. A business. You know what protects a business? Insurance.

Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, who bluntly said she “aided and comforted the enemy.”

I mean, are ankle monitors somehow not a thing for underage Nazis?

They’re co-opting Biden’s shtick. His calls for unity are for the right to get over the lie about a stolen election and to focus on COVID, but the feckless GOP is using it as a talking point to get out of accountability, because when the dust finally settles, there’s going to be a shitload of sedition coming from

Apologies. If you’re the type of person who says shit like “bomb them,” then starting a conversation with you was a mistake from the beginning. So apologies for my earlier comment. 

Now playing

Remember, when the Trump pickup truck brigade in Texas deliberately ran a Biden Campaign bus off the highway and all the local sheriffs had reasons not to help or even find the assailants? 

and what really pisses me off?

So much to comment on here, but I can’t get past that shot of her IG post where she writes, “... at the end of the day we go to sleep at night knowing we have changed the lives of our students in the most meaningful, compassionate ways possible!!”

Funny how it seems like he wants to .... cancel her.

Fueled by little more than white grievance and resentment and violence, they’re giving their voters exactly what they want.”
Elected dems need to STFU about finding commonality, middle ground, compromise, reaching across the aisle, etc. There is no reasoning with these people and absolutely no room EVER for