
democrats, stop acting like fucking cowards and oust these racist slimeballs.”

Counterintuitively, Georgia does not appoint replacement representatives. There would be a special election in which Stacey Abrams would stop by to say hello. Which might explain a bit.

Well, this just screams “Aimed to be challenged in court so it can get to the Supreme Court so certain recently installed judges in concert with certain other judges who’ve been there for longer can get up to some fuckery even if it’s not this specific fuckery exactly”.

I don’t see anyone shaming anyone for going to work. I see people shaming other people for going on vacations, going shopping maskless, and going to clubs/bars. None of which anyone HAS to do. I know this because I’ve managed to not do it in almost a year!! Because being responsible is not limited to people with

This is not a great take.

My own edit- “The pandemic fucking sucks; ***hundreds of*** thousands of people have and are dying and everyone would all like it to be over as soon as possible”

I probably come across as a sanctimonious scold as well, but I will say in my defence that here in Toronto — where there is more of a social safety net but low-income workers and POC are still getting fucked over the most by the virus — the people I see people breaking quarantine, the people to whom I’m referring are

If I woke up in a room with just Katie Porter and a whiteboard, with her starting to pepper me with lawyer questions, I’d confess to shit I couldn’t have been a part of. The Kennedy Assassination. The Lincoln Assassination. Loading the gun that killed Hamilton. Driving the Titanic. Whatever. She does not play.  

Many years ago, the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch did a story on people with vanity plates and interviewed a lady driving a BMW with the plate ‘WUZHIS’.  Yep, she got it in the divorce.  It still makes me chuckle.  

They’ve had to hire security because their employees are literally getting death threats from rabid Trump nuts that these lies have stirred up, and some of them have had to go into hiding. It’s had a huge impact on their business. I’d sue too. I’m surprised they haven’t sued Trump also, maybe they’re still gathering

They have a very good shot at winning, in my opinion, for two reasons.

Rich and powerful people tend not to continually defame and slander the basic business processes of influential corporations without considerable legal and evidential standing.

I would just say, I’m not super familiar with Roy Cohn’s career beyond McCarthy and Trump, but I have to think Roy Cohn was probably smart enough to avoid billion dollar lawsuits because he knew not to make demonstrably, obviously false claims about a company with considerable resources. I also wouldn’t necessarily

That is not the point. Preeeettty damn sure Dominion isn’t expecting to get anywhere near that amount should they win. This is meant to be a deterrent for future bullshit and to help redeem the legitimacy of their organization.

Giuliani is defending his damaging lies on the ground of “free speech” and threatening to countersue Dominion for violating his supposed constitutional rights.

Governors frequently turn into presidential candidates and even presidents. If she’s successful at this, she could be our problem (again) in the future.

Was going to write a long response about how this has been a well known fact in Arkansas for years, which is why other Arkansas republicans started declaring their candidacy over a year ago, and more about the inside workings of Arkansas politics. But then I read the comments, so fuck it, I can just burn with the rest

During the Glenn Thrush mess, the NYT issued a statement about their “no tolerance” policy on sexual harassment while also saying they will continue to employ Thrush even though he admitted to what he did.

I like AOC’s comment here. We have been mostly mocking these people as stupid for all the recording of themselves they did, but she’s right. A lot of that is because they thought it wouldn’t matter.

My 14 year old son worked at a day camp this summer and a group of kids his age were talking about how they liked Trump because he “wasn’t going to make their taxes go up.” I know their parents and none of those families are making close to $400,000. So while I agree that Boomers are the worst, you are fooling