
Shades of Enron, Ken Lay, and his wife talking about how oppressed they were that they had to sell a few of their 10 houses. The horror!

Made something for this occasion. Tough weekend for fake ass “muh freedom” people. I know her name isn’t that but the mouth breather I saw bitching this morning spelled it like that.

My favorite part is they have been “cancel culture” for as long as my old ass can remember but now claim “cancel culture” is a liberal movement.

“Always”? Probably not. I mean, no more than politics in general has always had its share of grifters (and american ones moreso). I think “decades” is more accurate, and I should have been more specific. The republican party has been obviously corrupt as fuck since Nixon. In the decades since, the corruption has only

Which is so funny because every BLM protest I went to, the organizers said, password protect your phone, don’t take pics of anyone, bring cash and memorize the phone number of someone who can bail you out of jail. There's an expectation that you might get arrested if you participate.

alternately, they are *so* religious, that the covid death is “part of god’s plan” and that the loved one is “now with jesus/in a better place.”

All of this assumes that her parents AREN’T being abusive and that this social media account isn’t a necessary, if unhealthy, psychological outlet right now. You’re acting like her mental health struggles aren’t directly connected to her parents’ behaviour.

Fauci looks about 10 years younger these days. 

Not the traditional seeing a coworker leave, but some great schadenfreude:

Reaction from parents and conservative media will be a large factor in deciphering whether the cultural pendulum has indeed shifted enough so that a popular child celebrity coming out elicits little more than a shrug in response.”

What boggles my mind is that she flaunted hiring a private jet but suddenly is too poor to pay her own legal fees? But she probably sees the writing on the wall--that she’ll never work as a realtor again.

I suspect it has more to do with the fact that she’s under federal investigation and has clearly lawyered up. Were she to delete anything now, it would constitute obstruction of justice, and she’s already in enough trouble.

Wannabe dissident and coup cosplayer Jenna Ryan, who notoriously took a private jet to the insurrection, has been stripped of her PayPal account, which she had been her primary source of legal defense funding

Exactly, it was mentioned in another reporting on it (The Guardian, maybe?) that if he had claimed he was training for the Olympics 400m, someone would have been all over reporting that bogus claim, but when he says he’s training for the Paralympics everyone just shrugs and goes, “he looks fit and determined, probably

She is “sickened” by human trafficking but not kids in cages (on Trump’s orders)? Those are some Olympic-level mental gymnastics.

I can never figure out why people in the public eye lie like this-stuff that is so easily verifiable. 

He for fucking sure wasn’t popping off shots at the insurrectionary MAGA Nazis on 1/6.

It almost seems ableist - oddly coming from a guy in a wheelchair - to suggest that being fit and sporty means you have a shot at the Paralympics. Like Para is just the kiddie table to the real, adult Olympics and it takes nothing to get in.

But his misleading rhetoric is impactful for his constituents and supporters who may not know any better, which was likely the point.