
did not comply the a 2017 subpoena request for his records relating to his involvement with the firm

Well, I’ve heard (I think it was on NPR) that McSally is going quietly because she is the strong favorite for the McCain (Kyl) seat.

So Jeff Flake’s most successful check on Trump was retiring...

The bridesmaid who planned the party didn’t know the difference between a shower and bachelorette party. I guess she thought it was weird that the bride had requested she invite so many older family members and work friends, but she must have never questioned it. I generally find penis toy and stripper bachelorette

I bet you this dude thinks women on their 40's are too old for him.

And Republican leadership hasn’t strongly come out against any of this, instead they continue to fan the flames.

This is so infuriating. I’m glad she’s getting help to fund some of these necessities for safety and livelihood, but it really pisses me off that any of it is necessary.

Right. It doesn’t matter how you “view” it.  Birth control pills, Plan B, etc. are not abortifacients. 

What struck me most reading the NY Times article was the woman who said “Nobody would expect this in Thousand Oaks”. My answer to that is.. really? Because I expect it there. And here where I am. And the tiny town I am from. At this point, I find it bizarre to ever be surprised by this stuff happening anywhere. 

Smucker beat out Jess King in the 11th. It hurts me because he’s so openly slimy. All of Central PA went red, which is sad because I thought that we were becoming more integrated and left leaning. 

I am with you for the most part. I was technically *more* disappointed/disgusted two years ago, but I barely have any happiness for the democratic victories yesterday, because it doesn’t feel good enough. The country was supposed to learn its lesson, so to speak, and this election was going to prove that. But it

It bugs me that people keep saying that Sessions was fired. He resigned, although he was asked to. This is a big difference because resigning means that Trump can appoint someone, which he did, without Senate confirmation. If he fired him that would not be the case. It’s a relatively minor detail but when reporting

I liken it to the focus on weddings/wedding planning over the actual marriage to follow. The popular focus on “my personal, special birth plan unlike anyone else’s” can remove focus from the actual person resulting from that birth.

Yeah I would think so too. Given that midwifery has been around FOREVER because women have always preferred to have other women helping them give birth. Because doing it yourself is RIDICULOUS.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

this radical work of healing the deepest wounds on this earth

“Among Saldaya’s advertised offerings is an $899 Ultimate Freebirth Support Package, which promises “ a complete immersion in everything you need to know about in order to optimize your freebirth.”

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Home birth can be great for some women, but the fact that this group deletes any advise that counters their beliefs and doesn’t make room for other treatment options makes them a cult, and a very dangerous one at that.