
It strikes me that if someone wanted to make a fuss, public employees like firefighters should not be allowed to appear at partisan events in their government issued equipment. 

I do have kids but my husband and I both struggle to suppress the anger that was instilled in us as kids when we were too little to fight back. It does come out. The one thing nobody ever tells you about parenting (although of course it’s obvious, in retrospect) is that when you imagine yourself as a parent you

Recent arrivals leaving state after recession of 1987-8 reduced the population of those drawn to the state seeking easy-money and tax-free benefits. Exxon Valdez disaster led to further decreases in that population.

Like, pretty much forever.

When I was growing up, both of my parents were teachers. They were both known for their patience in the classroom.

I’ll add that I get defensive because people come out swinging.

My state actually mails out developmentally appropriate packets for both of my kids once every year or so, and it’s great. (I think it’s based on the hospital submitting their birth information?) Information on what milestones they should be hitting, what vaccinations they should be getting, proper portion size, etc.

The best response I’ve ever read to “Look, my parents spanked me and I turned out fine!” is “No, you didn’t. You think it is okay to hit little kids.”

Alfie Kohn has convinced me that praise and punishments (corporal or not) really are mostly bullshit, which was radical to me when I first started in education and child development but now seems totally intuitive.

Do non-tangible things count? I spent $2000 or so on the kayak trip of my dreams in Gwaii Hanaas National Park. I’d had a miscarriage, so I decided to take a 10 day remote trip that I definitely couldn’t have done if I’d become a parent. It was pretty awesome and I was a much better paddler by the end of it. Plus it

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

Let’s complete the picture: Sapareto already has a DV record. He was convicted in 2013 for assaulting his then-girlfriend’s daughter. He then introduced a bill to redefine simple domestic assault, which failed.

I have a feeling it might be a better shot than polls indicate. If I had to guess whether Tennessee or Texas were to go blue, I’d go Texas.

Speaking as someone who has worked in the music biz for many years and currently works in licensing, yes, it’s unauthorized use.

NO.  We need him first.  You can have him in 2028.

There was a post today in my Facebook memories about how frustrated I was by the number of people (CoughRepublicansCough) running unopposed in 2012. (In Texas)

I still can’t believe Trump played the song “Happy” on the same fucking day as the synagogue shooting. I know, I know, nothing Trump does should shock me at this point, but holy shit. As with so many other things about Trump, if you wrote that into a shitty screenplay for a shitty villain in a shitty

...he has two children. I’m sure that he and the children have had some interesting conversations about it.”

Bullshit. If you think Hollywood introduced the patriarchy to Witchcraft, you aren’t up on your late 19th and early 20th century occultism history. You can’t tell other people that they don’t know their history when you only have the haziest view yourself. Though modern day pagans like to tie themselves to matriarchal

She realizes that becoming a full witch also means surrendering your autonomy (and not to mention literal virginity) over to Satan himself.”