
I agree completely. In the best of situations transracial/transcultural adoptions are really, really complicated, and these folks are clearly not equipped with the sensitivity to handle any of the difficulties that come up in those cases. It definitely feels disrespectful and... whitewash-y? to give him this weird

I think I managed to block the whole thing out- I know we read it, but I don’t remember a thing about it!

Bwahahahahaha! With a touch of the Rick Perry “don’t I suddenly look smarter?”

Oh wow... I didn’t think I could hate these people more but here we are!

WHAT?!?!?! Oh my god... I thought “Jaxxon” was the worst name anyone could have. Hats off to these people for being the literal worst!

It’s all so awful and gross. It takes a lot for a news story to stand out as especially awful in this day and age but these folks really managed it. Yuck.

It seems wildly unfair to me to subject young children to the scrutiny of hundreds of thousands of strangers. Aren’t kids entitled to some privacy or agency over who sees their photos? At a minimum, if you’re making money off your kids’ images, there should be some provisions made for the kids themselves to make

Seems unlikely!

Is it? I guess slightly?

Is that the name of the villain? Ha!

YES. All that white- there’s something very, very gross about the imagery. And the glasses in her video that you don’t see her wearing in other images... instead of spending all your energy trying to construct a perfect scene and narrative, maybe you could have not dumped your kid?

Listen, you gotta draw the line somewhere! I support you!

I know this is a petty complaint and there are 100 worse things that these awful people did, but also- fuck them for naming this poor kid Huxley.

Even if adoptees want to find their birth parents, the situations can still be really difficult to deal with. A friend of my mother-in-law’s was contacted through one of the ancestry sites by a niece he never knew he had (turns out his sister got pregnant when she was young and her parents sent her away to “travel” so

Right? In that absolutely insane election cycle, the first time I heard that playing behind him I just watched the TV with my mouth gaping for ages. Truly beyond parody.

This is exactly how I feel. Everyone bitching about Hillary claimed they would happily vote for Warren, ah, but no, not over Sanders. She’s far more competent, far more able (and willing) to build coalitions, and far more intelligent, not to mention she is really able to connect with people. I don’t think we’ll see a

I also suspect that while most men will never know anyone who will be accused of brutally stabbing two people to death, many of Kobe’s fans, fellow players, and media personalities shove down any nagging voices that remind them of times that they’ve “gotten carried away” or “not been on the same page” as a partner.

Same! My mom had a bunch of fake flowers collecting dust when I was a kid. I’m sure there’s tons of that shit clogging up landfills. What a stupid trend!

I saw recently that The Sill is selling a fake pothos for nearly 3x the price of an actual pothos on their own site! And you’re totally right, it’s really hard to kill! I just don’t get it.

Another great idea!