
God, can we please not do fake plants? At a time when we should all be trying to reduce the amount of plastic waste we generate from basically all of our product packaging, do we really need to be producing plastic replicas of PLANTS? Get some easy-care succulents or dried flowers like Tracy suggests if you’re really

I have the same issue! I have a kind of boyish figure I guess- narrow hips and no butt- so high rise jeans just emphasize that I have no curves at all. And my natural waist is bigger in comparison to my hips, so if jeans fit me through the hips/seat, they’re squeezing the shit out of my stomach and I can barely get

He won’t get removed, and Pence would be worse, but at least the House did their job and Trump’s presidency will carry this well-deserved mark.

Hard same!

It’s incredible how different English can sound depending on where it’s spoken!

Same! I live in Queens and hear I don’t know how many different accents every day with no problem understanding them, but when I visited Scotland I couldn’t understand ANYONE. I felt like a complete asshole every time a bartender or waitress spoke to me because I had no idea what they were saying!

Serious question: what the FUCK is a Space Force? I still don’t understand what he’s asking for. Goddammit, we live in the stupidest times.

That makes a lot of sense. It’s like the people that get really weird when they meet someone that doesn’t drink. I don’t get it!

I’ve never met one either! I know several vegans that are very tenderhearted and compassionate people, but I’ve never met any of the self-righteous assholes I’ve always heard about.

Why do people love shitting on vegans so much? I’m not vegan, but I don’t really understand why someone else’s choice to be one deserves so much snark and ridicule. Moby seems like a pretty annoying dude for other reasons (see: Natalie Portman) but I’m not sure why caring about animal rights makes you a bad person.

JFC. A grieving family should be allowed to do just that- grieve- not search for their daughter’s killer because cops can’t or won’t do their job. Disgusting.

I have a similar reaction to use of that word to describe something other than sexual assault. I think we struggle enough as a culture getting people to accept a common definition of rape and to actually name it when it happens that to use the word for anything else will only hinder those efforts.

This exactly! And in some ways, Catch & Kill and Spotlight tell a more shocking story. It’s not a surprise, sadly, that predators and creeps exist in Hollywood and the Catholic Church, but it was terribly shocking to me to see just how hard these organizations worked to protect the monsters in their midst. Powerful

Amazing! Thank you so much! I’d completely forgotten that I made her stew before- I need to bring that back into my life, especially once it starts getting colder!

Those both sound delicious!! I picked up Nothing Fancy over my lunch break and there are lots and lots of delicious-sounding veggie sides and salads- I bet you will like it!

Amazing! Thank you!! I’ve been in a bit of a cooking slump lately, and veggies, legumes, and super savory pastas are right in my wheelhouse!

Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve never really been into food videos but I just watched a few of hers and found them really interesting.

Hooray! Thank you so much!

I’m intrigued by this cookbook, but I can’t tell from anything I’ve seen online if it’s worth buying if you’re vegetarian. Anyone have it yet?

Congrats to Dior for totally outdoing themselves. I thought it was bad enough seeing “Sauvage” plastered on the face of an alleged domestic abuser, but now they’re adding in some old-school racism. Truly unbelievable.