Came here for Grace Jones, saw a lot of randoms who are NOT Grace Jones, going to rectify that:
Yup. We’re racist as fuck. It’s bloody ridiculous, when you consider our history.
I feel like the restriction has more to do with money than it does with censoring content for prisoners.
As Betty White said - she has a vagina. Unlike delicate balls, those things can take a pounding.
I believe that is what accreditation is for. (is that the correct term?)
“(not always male) who was in charge, trusted and had authority was a molester.”
I’ll never get over the irony of men invoking the “witch hunt” to describe actual justice threatening their stature. They have to look back through history to identify an occasion of absolute irrational injustice and it happens to be one that was inflicted on women by men. Hahahaha. Haha. Ha.
Sweetheart, come to the states. We LITERALLY had it written in legal textbooks for almost half a century, by judges that when it came to accusations of sexual assault, women and children were not to be believed. Slowly but surely we make our way towards something of a better society...just a little too slow to my…
one of the most consistent problems was that the accusers were never believed
I work for myself as an editorial jack-of-all-trades. I LOVE clients like this, because the client will go to a company at 4:45 on a summer Friday afternoon with all sorts of insane rewriting and worse, and the company will contact me in a panic, and I will calmly assure them that everything they need will be wrapped…
Yes, by most measures Colbert and Kimmel would be considered quite rich but allow me to put some math down here for some perspective:
It’s not a young person thing - the sister is a narcissist. She’s addicted to the free attention and support being preggers gets her, and probably sees her sister’s wedding as competition. More than likely, she’s banking on being able to use them to start some kind of scene to steal the limelight.
I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.
“after refusing to violate hospital policy”
Here’s how I imagine the meeting:
You think there will be a conviction? You sweet sweet naive fool...